New lens alert! I've added the Nikkor Z 105mm f/2.8 Macro to my collection!

When I purchased my Nikon Z mount camera (the Nikon Z6) - I thought I would be making heavy usage of my F-Mount lenses. I then got my hands on my first native lens for the platform, the 85mm f/1.8, and since then, I've had a bit of an addiction to obtaining all the lenses I can possibly afford.

The one gap in my camera bag was a macro lens. The first ever serious camera I used (a 35mm Pentax film SLR) - had an awesome zoom lens which had a macro switch, and since retiring that camera (ie, selling it to a second hand camera store many moons ago) - I've not had a macro lens.


How many moons? More than TEN YEARS, without a macro lens. Now that I have a macro lens once more - I will be endeavouring to explore the small things. My experience with macro photography is an interesting one. I've done it professionally, working for the South Australian museum in the past as a contributor the South Australian living Atlas.

This work involved photographing insects in their collection to enable researchers to identify unique features without the need to handle the specimens, which were freeze dried, fragile, and the very definition of priceless.

Macro images of insects in the open world (As you typically see) aren't actually what I plan on focusing on. I'm more interested in the everyday, banal features of objects and items. Perhaps I will photograph biscuits, cat kibble, or the rough hewn fabric of a scarf. There's so much detail in the world that we simply walk on by each and every day, and if my macro photography can expose a little bit of that, it will be outstanding to me.

I will most likely commence this project by photographing a friend's bird. She features him heavily in her illustrations as a sort of signature, and I'm keen to see what details I can pluck out of a lively creature and their manufactured environment.

For the time being, I'm delighted t have a new lens in my collection, and with something as premium as this little beauty is, I can't wait to use it to capture all manner of things.

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