How Amazon and McKinsey employed AI predictive prowess to Preorder Masks for the Covid-19 Pandemic

Amazon’s Mask Usage Prediction in January 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon foretold an increase in demand for face masks through its forecasting algorithms. By studying data and historical models, the firm was able to predict how critical the matter would turn out, thus placing orders from distributors for quick response to customer requirements. Consequently it is not surprising that Amazon as a symbol of technological innovation and vision embarked on an ambitious project which used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deal with growing needs for protective masks.

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The company employs AI across the board in a very comprehensive way, using a flywheel approach that ensures constant impetus, transfers of advancements between teams, transparency in data sharing and customer satisfaction priority. Some examples are Alexa-enabled devices, AI recommendation engines, automated warehouses and stores such as Amazon Go where customers can just grab items and walk out: they all demonstrate how Amazon uses AI to consistently innovate for its customers.

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Amazon pre-ordered masks ahead of time by taking advantage of its predictive abilities while building fortified supply chain systems. In the vast ocean of information, sophisticated AI algorithms employed by Amazon meticulously scrutinized historical sales trends like consumer habits and menacing global health situations. This great prediction model helped Amazon to foresee the imminent rise in mask demand thereby laying way for pro-active measures to guarantee enough inventories on hand.

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Amazon refined its supply chain methodologies, with the help of McKinsey & Company a rangy leader in management consulting, to hasten procurement and delivery of masks. Amazon’s logistical infrastructure was streamlined by applying McKinsey’s incomparable proficiency therefore ensuring pre-ordered masks would flow seamlessly to fulfilled centers strategically positioned across the globe.

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Amidst reports of digital price gouging and exorbitant mask prices, Amazon became an oasis for customer care and honesty. With strict pricing policies in place alongside AI-backed monitoring techniques, Amazon actively guarded against any unfair practices, assuring customers that low-priced masks were available as a result.

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The $cience Vs Profit Conundrum

Though it is undoubtedly true that predictive ability has assisted Amazon in meeting customer demands and improving business operations, it also gives rise to important ethical considerations isn’t it?

The decision to prioritize facial mask pre-orders over other products like hydroxychloroquine reveals a delicate balance between serving public health interests and maximizing profits.

CDC Is Now Retaliating Against Its Own Scientists For 'Wrong' Mask Research

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In the curious case of our duo, Zinc and Hydroxychloroquine, “Artificial Intelligence” decides to totally ignores three published papers.

Outcomes after early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: An analysis of a database of 30,423 COVID-19 patients

No not that one…

Hydroxychloroquine: Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity

Not this one either! Those studies are for treating people whom are already sick.

No Zinc and Hydroxychlorquine combo is a Prophylaxis Method - Meaning: Prevention of or Protective Treatment for Disease.

Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture by Ralph S Baric in 2010

The 2005 Chloroquine is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread

Now the One Billion Dollar Question

"Do masks prevent transmission?" - Now talk about a goose chase!

In February 11th, 2020, the first study on asymptomatic transmission emerges in the New England Journal of Medicine, selling us on the idea that anyone, kids included, could infect another without knowing.

Here's how it works: the mask was mainly to 'protect' against asymptomatic transmission that is basically made up. People with no symptoms could not transmit the virus. You would have to be sick first in order to transmit anything; the virus would have to infect you, then replicate itself, then transmit, in that order.


"Democide refers to the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command."

Source : How Amazon & McKinsey Utilized AI Predictive Capabilities to Preorder Masks During the Covid-19 Pandemic

footnote: this article was AI assisted

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