Steffy: The Financial Fox. A short intro

Some have called me the ‘Lara Croft’ of the small capital investment community. Well, maybe I am. Attractiveness aside, I definitely know how to navigate the market.

I’m creative, have a quirky personality for sure, but also a keen nose for business, which I get from my dad. I founded Cassiopeia Services, my global boutique Investor & Public Relations Agency based in London, over three years ago, after 5 years in the City of London as a freelance producer for channels such as Bloomberg, the BBC and leading in-house Investor and Public Relations departments.
At Cassiopeia, we offer strategic media communications, PR & IR, as well as targeted branding and marketing strategies based on the new generation of social media and digital communications. So far, I have focused all my energy and efforts in helping public and private companies to develop strategies to meet the interests of their shareholders, fine-tune their profile and their communications, and most importantly listen​n to their investors. It is not an easy task juggling between strong​-willed​d directors and inquisitive investors. It has been a tremendous journey, refreshing and exciting every day, and I have met memorable people who have taught me a lot. I have quickly become a well-known figure in the City of London and one of the best-connected and sought-after consultants, thanks to my innovative approach to communications and unique networking style, as well as my knack for seeking out investment opportunities. I am very selective about the people I decide to work with.

I present my regular TV show, the Financial Fox, and personally host the Cassiopeia Investor Symposium.

In the last year, I have become deeply involved in the Crypto/Blockchain revolution. I am an alumna of Oxford University qualified in Fintech & Financial Services Innovation and Blockchain & Crypto Assets Strategy. I am still constantly learning as this is such a cutting-edge field that is constantly evolving and slowly breaking into different industries.

A little bit more about me:
I am Italian by origin. My dad called me " the Amazzone" as I headstrong, highly disciplined, fiercely competitive and headstrong: I like to fight for what I want and I believe in. My determination was drilled into me by the family enterprise, a dairy, agriculture and renewable energy business just outside Milan. I truly have to thank my dad, a well-known entrepreneur in his industry, for passing on his success formula: sacrifice, discipline, and integrity. His out-of-the-box​ methods still influence everything I do in business.

I work, I train and I help people, trying to make a difference every day. I have a rigorous fitness regime: daily running, spinning, martial arts and Pilates. I am a sponsored charity athlete, competing in triathlons and marathons around the world.

I am a vegan. I don’t like meat in general and I never eat pasta, pizza, or any sweets: coconut ice cream being the only exception!

Final​ly, as all good Italian girls, I love shopping - particularly luxury brands - but never buy anything full price. I have a keen interest in technology and innovation, particularly blockchain applications and cryptocurrencies.
I collaborate with UK Universities on mentoring programmes, inspiring young people and students.

I always support people who deserve opportunities in life.

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