The Beautiful State of Idaho and an Idaho Silver Medal

As a child I remember spending a lot of summers in Idaho and Wyoming. My parents enjoyed heading up there for several weeks a year to escape the summer heat. They are beautiful states with a lot of mountainous terrain, and Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National parks western Wyoming and Montana. If you ever get a chance they are great vacation spots to getaway. I recommend summer months though, unless you enjoy skiing, snowmobiling, and lots of cold and windy weather! I'm not a huge fan of that anymore. That's why I moved to southern California!

My good friend @bulliontools currently resides in Idaho, and I'm sure he can go on and on about how pretty it is!

At some point years back I picked up a silver medal produced by The Franklin Mint in 1973. I bought it because it featured Idaho which will always have a place in my heart from all the summers I spent there. It was produced as a part of a set of fifty silver medals to celebrate the bicentennial of the United States, one for each state. I also found it interesting because of what was featured as well, have a look:

About the medal


This beautiful silver was produced in sterling silver (92.5% pure) in Wawa, Pennsylvania where The Franklin Mint was based. They produced silver coins and precious metal items throughout the seventies and eighties, but have since shut down minting. They always had beautiful detailing and excellent craftsmanship. This one is no exception, it was a beautiful work of art. The surprise to me though was the nuclear development, as I had no idea Idaho was involved in nuclear power.

Shoshone Falls

Idaho is filled with multiple rivers that flow through the state so hydroelectric power was utilized very early on and still produces much of their electricity. One waterfall along the snake river known as Shoshone Falls is often called the Niagara Falls of the west. The falls are 212 feet (65 meters) tall and 925 feet (282 meters) wide, and an amazing site. The falls are used for power generation much like Niagara Falls are in the eastern US. It's a must see destination if you're passing through Idaho!

I had to research the nuclear development, it turns out that the Idaho National Laboratory was founded in 1949 and over the years have produced over 50 nuclear reactors. One of those was the first capable of producing sufficient amounts of usable energy. Of the 50 developed only three are still in operation. I found it fascinating that the state was so involved in development of nuclear reactors. I would have pegged New Mexico with that history, but I would be mostly wrong!

Grand Tetons

Moving on to some other beautiful parts of the state which I remember well from my youth. Just outside of Rexburg, Idaho you get a beautiful view of the Grand Teton mountain range. If you head east you enter the Grand Teton National Park, which is a beautiful place to visit. But since it is technically in Wyoming I'll leave more about that for a later post.

Island Park

One of my favorite parts of the state is Island Park, which is a mountainous area about an hour west of Yellowstone National Park. Not only is it a beautiful location it's a former volcano caldera that once was over the current Yellowstone volcano. If you've been to island park it's a hard place to forget. It's filled with natural beauty and wildlife. It also offers just about something for everyone from hiking, fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, and beautiful river trips.

I remember fishing pretty much every summer with my dad along the snake river and always catching Cutthroat trout. They are a beautiful fish and they taste great as well. So bring your fly fishing gear if you get a chance to visit!

The view of part of the snake river from Mack's Inn, once you've been there it's a landmark you won't forget. The waters here come from Big Springs and are crystal clear. It literally comes right out of the side of the mountain, it's a great spot to visit as well but the water is a bit chilly.

Idaho is definitely one of my favorite states to visit right up there with Wyoming. As a matter of fact this next summer I'm considering taking a week or two to go and relax in the Island Park area. It will be nice to get in some fishing in crystal clear water and just get away from all the crowds her in southern California. Don't get me wrong, it's great here too, but I do miss the solitude of the forest and all of the rivers and fishing.

That will wrap up my post for the day. I hope you enjoyed the silver medal and the natural beauty of Idaho. If you haven't been there you really are missing out on a beautiful place. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you so much for all of your support, I really appreciate all of you. Hive is a wonderful place! Have a great week everyone!



I am not a financial planner and this isn't financial advice. Please always do your own research before investing your money. You worked hard enough to earn it!

All pictures are mine except where indicated otherwise.

I am part of the management team for the DUO token

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