Consensus in cryptocurrency; The mechanism behind it

One beautiful thing about the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large is seeing that with the blockchain you are free to do anything that you felt is okay. I know that despite saying that the blockchain is decentralized they are some certain rules and regulations which are also set up into ensuring that things are done in the right proportion or format. Simply because I am saying that when it comes to the blockchain and the cryptocurrency ecosystem that we are free to do whatsoever thing that we love or wanted does not mean that we should be misbehaving or doing thing that is not needed in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They are things that are ideal to be done, when you are doing such thing you will see yourself doing amazingly well in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and also you will be able to do amazingly well when you are referring to the blockchain which is the reason that the cryptocurrency ecosystem is in existence today. The reason why many people are struggling with growth when it comes to the cryptocurrency ecosystem at times is simply holding to the fact that many are out there trying to use the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large for the wrong reason. I have seen people trying to use the cryptocurrency ecosystem to scam people. Infact, they are a lot of scammers in the cryptocurrency ecosystem but despite everything one thing that I am really happy about is having intelligent people all being surrounded in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They are fast to understand that cryptocurrency is not bad, we just have bad people in the cryptocurrency ecosystem trying to label it bad. Despite that, with what I said above, I know that with cryptocurrency we can achieve alot of things together.

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If you have been following up with my post you will see where I said that from now till when I get tired I will try all my possible best into ensuring that I use my post to educate people. We should see the cryptocurrency ecosystem as an ecosystem where we can impact our selves by making sure that we are educated to the very best. If you come across something and you are sure that you knows about such thing very well, there is no needed keeping it to yourself alone, learn to spread the cryptocurrency ecosystem love by ensuring that one or two persons under you are educated. If we continue under such reform we will discover that we all will be educated deep down no matter what. On my last post I spoke and discussed about what burning is when you are referring to the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large. I must admit that I was so happy seeing that many people give the post a read. I was really happy seeing that people are now beginning to pipe low, they are now people all over the cryptocurrency ecosystem trying to learn, this is something that I will say that I am really happy about. I just want to keep seeing something like this all over the time. I have promised that I will try my best into ensuring that I don't for any reason kill this cryptocurrency dream.

What is consensus in cryptocurrency

Remembered that on my last post I discussed and talked about burning, on this post I will be discussing about what is consensus. If you have been following up with what is happening in the cryptocurrency ecosystem you will discover that the word consensus has been used more lesser when being compared to other words. What I mean is that while you will hear word like burning, bull run, bear run, blockchain etc, consensus despite being an integral word is not that spoken about.

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Deviating from the plenty talk, the big question at hand is, what is consensus?

As for your information, consensus in cryptocurrency can be seen as that context or logic in the cryptocurrency ecosystem which refers to the method by which blockchain participants agree on what should be included into the blockchain. The two most prominent consensus mechanisms currently used by crypto networks today are proof-of-work and proof-of-stake.


As per the above, consensus is the language that talks about agreement. The moment consensus is being reached when you are talking about a cryptocurrency project, you should knows that such system is authentic. As from today, if you don't have wider knowledge about the word consensus you should do right now, you should knows that consensus when it comes to cryptocurrency means agreement.

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I will end the post here, have a nice day.

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