Blue skies and golden red leaves

Blue skies and golden red leaves

Hello Hello Hivians

In contrast to the winds of last week we bathed in glorious sunshine and some autumnal warmth this week for our #wednesdaywalk.

The wind of course makes for some wonderful crashing waves to see!

The day really was a beauty and the sun was shining!

So without further ado let's get out there!

So we have sun in October in Scotland. Actually it happens more than you think.

So here we have the proof, in fact if not for the cold it is as nice as the summer of this year.

All aboard! I was going to another town so jumped on a bus at the bottom of the hill. It was a doubledecker and something I have just noticed by taking that picture is that we have a boxing gym close to us!

Who knew!

One great thing about travelling by a doubledecker bus is the view you get. You are up and not driving, so of course you can see what is out there to photograph!

I do love older buildings and architecture. I love how they could jazz up a building by putting some columns and a plinth over them as a posh balcony so to speak!

You see that blue sky is out and there was me dressing with a scarf lol, that got put in my backpack quite quickly along with my umbrella!

One thing we forget in the UK is how much green space we actually have in our towns.

The bus weaves in and out of streets and goes past built areas of houses which have parks and children's play areas all over the place.

Next up is the local hospital Victoria Hospital and this newish looking wing/building which I thing is like a kidney...

It is the maternity department amongst other things...

... And yes one of things is infact where they perform Kidney Dialysis.

I used to think that side of the hospital was where the A&E or Casualty department was, but actually it is round this close to where the other bus is...

Enough of the hospital and we in Dysart and close to leaving Kirkcaldy.

But the red on these trees is just gorgeous!

Now I did not take these next three pictures intentionally but can you see the significance of them?

Did you notice the traffic light or you might call it a stop liight ...

Well it shows you the sequence of traffic lights

and then

And now we are out in the open and zipping along...

Wind turbines I love them and they are everywhere now...

Do you have them locally?

I wonder if that ambulance is heading back to the hospital.

We however, were going to go over a river....

That river being The Ore

Autumn is in full swing.

Green leaves are either falling off the trees, or the leaves are changing colour to reds and oranges.

Then before we knew we were pulling into Glenrothes bus station and that funky black station.

Glenrothes is one of the new towns that got built in the UK. Which means there are loads of roundabouts.

The good thing is that it means lots of flowers and trees, good for nature.

Do you recognise those shells/husks?

They are from a horse chestnut tree and are caed conkers. You can see conker trees on the left of the pictre above.

Opps I got caught taking pictures for the post..

Do you see the sky though....

Yeah I did get my umbrella out and put the phone away while I walked to my meeting.

So long Glenrothes see you soon!

This is also a post to participate in the #wednesdaywalk initiative from the wonderful @tattoodjay

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and pictures were taken with my Google Pixel 9 Pro XL smartphone.
@tengolotodo October 9th 2024 (Oct 4 Premium 0 VR)


Haste Ye Back!

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