Supplemental funding #2 for HBD stabililzer

This proposal adds an additional 400 HBD/hour of funding to the HBD stabilizer, described here as well as in several other posts in my blog.

The original funding of 100 HBD/hour as well as previous supplemental funding of 200 HBD/hour allows stakeholders to vote 100, 200, or 300 HBD/hour of funding. By adding this additional funding proposal of 400 HBD/hour, stakeholders will be able to set funding anywhere from 100-700 HBD/hour (in increments of 100, of course):

Main proposal approved: 100 HBD/hour
Supplemental proposal approved: 200 HBD/hour
Main and supplemental proposals approved: 300 HBD/hour
Supplemental #2 proposal approved: 400 HBD/hour
Main and supplemental #2 proposals approved: 500 HBD/hour
Supplemental and supplemental #2 proposals approved: 600 HBD/hour
Main, supplemental and supplemental #2 proposals approved: 700 HBD/hour

As an alternative, stakeholders may choose to vote some or all of the proposals just above the "return" proposal, making @hbdstabilizer into a de facto "return" function (any funding not used by higher-voted proposals will go to @hbdstabilizer where it ultimately flows back to the DAO).

Based on current prices, funding to @hbdstabilizer results in approximately a 20000% annualized (non-compounded) return to the DAO and to Hive stakeholders, accomplished by transmitting excess demand for HBD into demand for HIVE which is then purchased from the market and sequestered back into the DAO. Currently, approximately 10000 USD worth of HIVE (20000 HIVE) is being purchased and removed from the liquid markets per day. Approving additional funding will allow this to immediately increase to roughly 13500 USD (27000 HIVE) per day, which will increase over time as the HDB budget grows.

Proposal number is 166

Hivesigner link to approve

100% beneficiary to @hbdstabilizer

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