Good morning, Happy monday! Make this week your week!

Happy Monday everyone, as per usual sloth has nothing important to say, so we'll do a something something post and see where we go! Today is a beautiful bright day, the sun is shining, the coffee is hot and the sloth is Buzzin!

skip to the summary, it's mostly waffle


Having this account for fun / something posts is great, allows me to get some words down and see where the mood takes me. Although having some form of structure around posts is always beneficial, it can feel a little restricting and for me, overwhelming! I know I have a few "real" posts to make, but for now, this one feels like the only thing I need to focus on!

The plan is to finish my coffee, head up the coast and enjoy the beautiful morning then dive into the "work" for the day! Lot's happening as always with the sloths, you'd think things would be slow and steady, seems they're more fast and buzzy! I shouldn't complain though, its a great experience and I'd recommend everyone find a buzzing sloth to follow!


I did tell you, mostly waffle, and it's going to get worse! But first, a question

A question for today, I know you all read this looking for the important questions of the day.

Music or podcasts? What's your goto, do you have certain themes for certain times?

I find myself flitting between podcasts (Actually, mainly youtube videos, I do enjoy long form conversations) and random music playlists. Today, before I even opened my eyes I had an "energy builder" playlist on. Sloths need some extra motivation some time!

Really, no, REALLY! I wouldn't bother with the next 3 paragraphs!


All the hard things like rolling out of bed in the morning. Turning the kettle on, making a cup of coffee! Almost makes sloth need to head back to bed before the day even begins! Then I have to think of food, work,! Geez, such a hard life I have I know, I know! I feel sympathy pouring in for me.

Ok, let us be honest, I think I'm waffling now as I had a little look at my word count and thought "oh I could aim for 500 words a day community, haven't been there in a while" but the word count says "HA! Good luck with that, you've got a loooong long way to go before you get near enough words for the 500-word-a-day community!"

Well, with that bonus paragraph of waffle, I've managed to get myself on the home straight, the last 100 words to hit the 500-word target, it's amazing how little you can say with so many words! I thank anyone who's managed to get this far into the post without giving up! Even I have to admit this one is a little low-brow! Even for a sloth!


And we're back to normal programming

Well, in summary! Have an awesome Monday! Make this Monday, this week your week! Here's a challenge for you, today, and every day this week. I challenge you to make someone SMILE! That's all, how you do it is up to you, but I know for me, making someone else smile brings a smile to my face! Seems like a great challenge to focus on for the week! Until next time, sloth out!

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