On My Way Towards Being A Proficient Trumpeter

On My Way Towards Being A Proficient Trumpeter

Hello friends and family of Hive and welcome to my entry for Hive Learners weekly contest for Week fourty seven edition one.


Photo from my phone

Learning never stops and that fact remains because as long as there's life in one way or the other we definitely come across something new and we learn everyday. When you cease to learn is equivalent as being dead because life itself teaches us lessons all the time.
I believe learning is a process and sometimes it takes longer time than we expect the process to be but all the challenges never matters at the end as long as the goal is achieved. Nothing good comes easy and that's why the proportion of effort you put in whatever you want to learn matters. Speaking from music perspectives, you can not master a song more than someone who rehearse the song much more than you do. Lately I understood another phenomenon attached to learning. Sometimes it's not all about how much effort you invest in learning but how well you channel your effort. You can invest allot of effort in learning a musical instrument but as long as you invest it inappropriately or wrongly, you will still not achieve the desired mastery results expected to be achieved.


I started learning the trumpet about five to six years ago and it has been a hell of a ride, there's no learning process that's very easy and also there's no learning process that's too difficult all we need to do is to look at the possibility of achieving the result we want to achieve.
Couple with the fact that my instrument which is the trumpet, is a bit more technical than most of others gave me difficult times learning it, They were difficult times for me but I took them as trial times and will have to achieve my goal of playing the trumpet some day. This post is not to tell us that the someday as arrived but I am proud of the stage I am in my learning. Allot of guys we started together stopped on the way for some reasons. Some had problem with their respiratory system and couldn't further on, some just ran away for the fear of the unknown but few of us stayed and few of us are still pushing. Whenever I come across a musician and he talks about the trumpet, how he stopped on the way because of the excess demand of the instrument, I feel honored, do you know why? The strength of my mind is unbeatable, I told myself I want to and I ventured into it, I didn't just ventured into it but I am determined to learn no matter how difficult it gets and this is one fact about learning.

When you are set to learn a skill, tailoring, baking or learning a musical instrument or whatever it is you want to learn you don't continue to talk about your intentions of learning it forever, taking a step should be the next thing after thinking about it. Thinking alone is not enough but putting it into action is important. A lot of times challenges weigh us down in the process of learning but I believe we all know what's best for us and what we are targeting individually in life. I am not good at motivating people and that's why I tell them if you cannot do a thing and you are sure you cannot do it please leave it. It's good that you try but if you find out you can not cope up it's better to change another route, there's always an undiscovered way we just need to discover. For instance my friend that wanted learning the trumpet and has respiratory issues, what if he persisted because of the keep trying stuff? We have some married women that it's their corpse that's brought home for burial because of the keep trying stuff. They get assaulted in their husbands house but because they don't want to give it up, they end up giving up. I don't know what would have been the fate of Mark zuckerberg if he hadn't decide to change his mind about school and venture into something else. We can always do something new if the old one isn't working out after adequate trials. We know our strength and when I talk about adequate trials I mean trying to the best of your ability and strength.


Learning is quite a complicating process. I knew how much sacrifice I did to learn the trumpet to the point I am now. I remember how I will have to walk in the rain back home from training because we don't rehearse in the night close to homes. Another thing that helped me was loyalty and commitment, I have to make sure I don't miss rehearsals and I make sure to do my assignments giving to me by my teacher. That helped me allot to conquer the stage of a typical novice and amateur to the level I am now. I can't say I am an expert on the trumpet because there's still alot for me to learn on the trumpet but I am sure I have far past the stage of a novice and an amateur on the trumpet.
The knowledge of music through the trumpet has helped my musical journey because I can attempt allot of musical instruments with the knowledge from the trumpet. I can currently say I am an amateur on the guitar and thriving to be better. Learning the guitar is much easier to me compared with learning the trumpet.
I am happy I found Music and I am learning music, with short time I know I will become a professional in my instrument which is the trumpet. I will leave you with the link to my recent video cover of Omah-Lay "Godly" is Nigerian music that trended back around 2022, let me hear what you think in the comments section.

Thank You

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