Imagining a chaotic world without law and order. The series of rule guiding myself and my neighbors

I believe that we all don't want to imagine a world where everyone wakes up to do whatever they like without putting each other in consideration.
Everything will be in chaos if there is no rule or governing body. Take my self as an instance, I live in a mini estate here in Ilorin with about 5flats within it's compound. We all share thesame water source, electricity and other social amenities. Just within this tiny compound of ours everyone has come with his own lifestyle, character and way of life, we all live together in each apartment with series of misunderstanding regarding who uses water the most, who should keep the compound clean, who damages the power line with heavy duty activities, who should be responsible for the safety of everyone within the premises since since we have had and recorded series of theft cases just within this small compound. I was a victim of this theft cases when the thief broke into my apartment when I first moved in and I had to adopt some security measures ever since.
This is to say that humans are social beings with diversity in character, lifestyle and behavior and for a peaceful coexistence we are looking at some of the guiding laws or rules that keeps/should keep people in peace and togetherness.

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Humans are social being who live and interact with one another in different categories of groups starting from the least called families who then come together to form smaller towns, villages, neighborhoods and community. In the settings of human life no man is meant to live in isolation and one way of the other we find ourselves belonging to any of a particular group. Coexisting in group also means that we have to accepts each other's diversity tolerating one another along the line.
In all the countries of the world we see humans belonging to different categories of each of these group, pick a particular state for example you will find difference in language, character, behavior and lifestyle and others. Ones character and particular way of life is something that might negate and hurt that of the other individuals around, hence the need to have laws, community decision and meetings that will foster a peaceful coexistence among people.


After the series of misunderstanding between myself and the people we live together there was a need to call a meeting in which decision were taking that we should be having compound meetings every now and then to keep in check ideas that will foster peaceful coexistence..

Some of the decision taking around this time last month was that members of the compound should pay some tokens that will be pulled together to hire a security man that will always stay at our gate to protect the people living within the compound.

Regarding the shortage of water issues it was agreed that water will be pumped every morning and once daily, anyone who doesn't make use of the opportunity to get water into his house at that time will have would have to do so at his own detriment.


The common water tank shared by 5apartment in the compound. The water isn't always sufficient hence we have to compete with the little one pumped each day especially in dry seasons

The compound is to be kept clean by everyone living within and a roaster was made in which we take turns to clean the compound. Whenever it is my turn I am to ensure that the cleaning is done and everywhere in the compound is kept clean.
Dumping of refuse within the premises is prohibited.


No one within the compound is permitted to play loud music 🎢🎡 that will disturb the peace of other living within.

These are some of the laws guiding myself and other neighbors within the compound, meetings are often held every now and then and anyone who wishes to live in the compound must be an active participant or be ready to move out. Ever since we have been living together in peace and harmony. This one is atypical example of how important laws, community decision making can be carried out in the lowest level. In larger groups of towns, villages and even countries we have heavier rules and regulations that govern each country or community based on decisions by their leaders, chiefs and government. Occasional town hall meetings are called for to ensure that the guidelines and principles are followed strictly by individual within such setting. We can never I overemphasize why it is important to generate laws that will keep people together in peace with themselves, nature and the world in general.

All images are mine unless stated otherwise

This is my participation in the daily #aprilinleo, you can check on this link

Thank you for reading about my experience thus far.

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