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LeoGlossary: Manabar (Hive)

How to get a Hive Account

Tracked voting power that is regenerated from 0 to 100% of max linearly over 5 days. It is a function of Hive Power, delegations, and active power down that tracks unspent reward fund shares.

Each user also has a manabar specifically for downvotes, which is 25% of the upvote manabar. Downvotes will consume this mana first before consuming regular mana. When voting, 1/50th of the remaining mana is used for a 100% vote. The same math is used for downvote mana but multiplied by 4 because the downvote manabar is 25% the size of the normal manabar. The maximum of these values is used. When both manabars are at 100%, the values are the same. When downvote mana runs out, normal mana is then used.


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