My Love For Pets From Inception

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It's been part of my plans to get pets when I finally have a house of my own and can take care of them like I am supposed to do with the necessary things. Perhaps it could be because I have never had a bad experience with them. After all, unlike many of my friends who tend to kick against having pets in their homes, it is because they've had one negative experience or the other about pets and always talk about their horrible experiences anytime we are talking.

When I was younger, I wished I had a pet at home, but back then, many families weren't in support of keeping animals as pets in their homes especially because of their wild nature, so my parents were against it even when I cried my eyes out, to have one and I even went as far as promising them that it would not be a problem to them or their finances but they weren't having it either and that was how the dream to have pets at a young age, was killed.

Thank goodness, now, I am all grown up and still have the intention of having pets in my house when I eventually have a house of my own and can take care of them as required and nothing will be able to stop me this time around. Although there is going to be a little amendment here and there if my spouse or partner isn't a lover of pets. So, I don't seem selfish and inconsiderate, we are going to find a perfect agreement to fit her.

As much as I love pets, I wouldn't want to discomfort anyone, not just anyone, but my spouse just to satisfy my desire of having them around my house. It's her house too, like our house, so we both should come to an acceptable point only how to satisfy my desire and help her curb her phobia/dislike for pets but it would be such a great joy if she loves pets too.

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Just a few days ago, I and my close pal we're heading back from work and I saw a young man walking down the road with his beautiful dog, the thing is, the beautiful sight of this dog didn't just catch my attention, it caught many of those who were around the vicinity at that moment and myself and others couldn't help but admire the dog and the way his owner was taking care of it.

While I spoke my mind about getting a dog to my friend, he immediately started recounting the too many times he was chased by dogs, he had to run for his life because he wasn't ready to be bitten by a dog and he didn't know how he was going to explain it when people asked him.

It was indeed a funny reencounter and a funny experience he has had and has promised himself never to go near dogs, no matter how they looked innocent. Even though I have never had an encounter with being chased by a dog, I don't think it is going to deter my plans of having pets in my house, especially dogs.

Dogs are a man's best friend, they are faithful, loyal, and protective of their owner. They know and can sense of danger ahead and will try to protect their owner. I have watched a few reels of them and I think dogs are the best pet animals, anyone can have around their home. They are full of life, they are very playful and emotional too, I think there's a higher volume though.

Thank you

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