Makea's Ascension


Makea looked up at the blue and green heaps of clouds in the sky as they did aerial contortions before dissolving into a teal luster that reflected its lushness in the river. The vibrance of the evening was rubbing off on her. She dipped her hands into the water and spread her long fingers. The teal color against her tanned skin made her flush.

“Go on, make yourself happy. Smile now before you go back home crying as the loser once again.” Ladidi, the reigning champion’s words slowly broke the bubble of euphoria Makea was in.

Makea simply looked away. She scooped a pail of water and began feeding it to Zora.”Go on girl. That's it. She patted the little pony on her back leading her away from the river. Her mood quickly shifted from dreamy to gloomy.

Every year, Makea, with Diddy’s encouragement, loved to participate in the annual village race, the Ascension. The Ascension was an old tradition longer than the ancestors of Palagos could remember. It entailed a mystical race through the magical rivers and valleys that held Palagos in a state of enchantment.

The people of Palagos weren't particularly magical beings nor did they possess any supernatural abilities. However, now and then, mysteries from neighboring enchanted realms crept in freely through the barriers of the village. It was during one of those seemingly enthralling moments centuries ago that mysterious creatures came flooding through the smoke and shadowy barriers of Palagos. These creatures just assembled on the borders exuding an ambience of dream and hues of fantasy. It was a mere spectacle to behold.

The people of Palagos built a tradition around this mysterious yet familiar occurrence. Every year, on a full moon, when the creatures descended for the Palagosians to do as they pleased, they would organize sports events among the young people in the village. Each youth would lead one creature in a race to the finish line. Victory always depended on the prowess of the creature and the determination of its rider.

Makea walked home quietly with Zora by her side. Her previous losses in the past occupied her mind. Makea wanted so badly to make it to the finish line one day. She longed for the rush and excitement the winners had on their faces. However, she barely made it past the first round every time.

Zora, removing herself from Makea’s arm and running to her shed, jolted Makea back to reality. She was already home before she realized it.“Diddy?” she called out so sweetly only to be greeted by tiny balls of white dust scattered across the compound.

“She’s at it again,” Makea muttered and sighed. She walked to the backyard to find her grandmother making funny gestures with a ball of cloud in her hand. The aura of magic was always so close in Palagos at that time of the year that people often interacted with it just like Diddy was doing with the clouds that had lowered from the sky.

“Are you doing a transfer with the clouds again Diddy?” Makea teased her grandmother.

“Ummhm! You wouldn't believe me no matter how much I try to tell you. We can tap into a little of all this magic tantalizing us now and then.”

“But grandma, this is the closest we get to magic. We are humans and we can't do unearthly things like preserve our souls.” Makea creased her brows making her sun-kissed face crinkle.

“Hmmh.” The old woman paid Makea no heed as she continued to fumble the peaks of white cloud in her palm. She believed in the afterlife and she thought that if she saved her soul in the realm beyond them, she would get the chance at another life after death.

Makea shook her head and went inside the house. She figured she would just let the old woman have her fun.

A few days before the competition, Diddy passed in her sleep. One early morning while Makea sat outside watching the sunset, she thought she saw a bright white light travel in a straight line from Diddy’s room to the heap of lowered clouds. Makea thought nothing of it at first. Mysterious lights, glowing eyes in the dark, moving clouds, and the sort was nothing new in Palagos.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat and Diddy flashed in her mind. She entered Diddy’s room to find that she had peacefully transitioned. The graceful look on her grandmother's face didn't let the tears from her eyes pour. She felt it in her soul that Diddy had found peace and that peace showered her at that moment.

For the next couple of days, Makea mourned Diddy silently while she prepared for the competition. Now more than ever, she felt like she needed to do it for Diddy.

A week later, the full moon emerged flanked by peaks of translucent teal clouds in full view. Its shimmering rays on the sands of Palagos felt chill beneath the feet. Makea dug her feet into the sand as she took a deep breath. She was nervous. They all were standing at the barriers in anticipation for the creatures to descend.

The people of Palagos should have been accustomed to the tremors, rumble, shrieking and roaring that accompanied the ascension but it still made their hearts pump. Makea swallowed hard as the forest that surrounded Palagos parted and the ground shook. Mythical creatures of all kinds began pouring in through the land and sky. Shades of green, blue, and gold filled the air beyond and above.

Makea marveled. The yelling and applause that ensued made her realize that the ascension had already begun. Fellow participants had begun taking hold and mounting on giant birds, griffins, unicorns, and nameless creatures. Makea set eyes on a black griffin and made for it. Just as she was about to mount it, Ladidi emerged and cornered her. She smirked at Makea before leading the griffin away.

By now all the creatures had been taken and Makea was left with only a silver horse just about the size of Zora. Her energy wavered but still, she ran to the horse and quickly mounted it. “Go girl, go now,” she whispered into the horses’ ears but she would not move. Minutes passed and Makea was starting to feel desperate. A sadness engulfed her heart. Once again, she was going to lose.

She watched as the other contestants passed the first round with so much vigor and enthusiasm. Ladidi circled down around Makea and yelled, “Now that's a pickle you are in.” She sniggered and rode away.

Makea’s blood boiled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before leaning into the horse. “Sshh..let me in little one. Let me in,” she whispered in the horse's ears. The horse jerked. It gently moved its tail up to touch Makea’s back. As soon as it did, Makea felt something strange yet familiar surge through her body. The same feeling of peace she got when her grandmother passed.

“Diddy?” she whispered.

The horse blinked and nodded before letting out a pair of white wings. It elevated and set off with a speed that made all heads turn. In no time, Makea was now in the second round with all the contestants. At that moment, she felt like she was among the clouds as the fast breeze washed over her. She heard the voices of the river singing and she could almost touch the colors of the valley. The tranquility she felt was the kind she got only from being with Diddy. She closed her eyes and a tear dropped. She knew that Diddy’s soul was going to ride her to victory and much more.

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