The Thing About Growth...

So, the first thing I thought to myself as I woke up this morning is ... “Where the heck have the months gone?” I simply can’t believe that we’re three months away from the end of the year. And somehow it feels like too little has happened for the year to already be coming to an end, yet I also know that far too many things have happened. It’s like I’ve lived ten lifetimes this year alone, but I’m still wondering why the months flew so quickly.

How best can I put the month of September? Certainly enlightening to say the least. I feel like I’ve learn more about myself in the past month than all other months combined. I’ve had a huge mentality shift. Also, I’ve watched myself grow, not so gracefully, but beautifully nonetheless and with a fierce determination like never before. So yeah, I can call the month of September a good month.

Because I believe that the best type of progress is the one on the inside, where you feel in the depth of your being that you have grown. That there has been a shift that only you can truly know and testify to. But thankfully, September wasn’t only a month where I had to grow in mindset, but I grew in property and investment. And that’s beautiful, yeah? Because I have something to prove and not just talking, right? Lol.

Welcome my new baby girl to the household. I’m yet to do a review on her and her specs, so I wouldn’t say too much about the properties of my latest acquisition. But I can say that in the short time it has been with me, my online life and even offline life to an extent has been able to progress seamlessly.

I think what was weird about this purchase is the spontaneity. Because up until two weeks ago, I had no thoughts to buy a PC. At least not at this moment, but then two weeks is a lot of time for things to happen to you, right? So, in those two weeks, my life and schedule took on a great shift that needed me to get this PC. And the only money I could easily pull out was my HBD savings.

Anyone who’s close to me would know how much I value my HBD savings. But I didn’t feel the sadness I thought I would feel since I was pulling out the savings for a purpose which it was not intended for. Maybe it’s because I knew that this is a huge investment into my present and my future. So, I was surprisingly calm even though the emptiness in my wallet was felt. Lol.

But yeah, I can already feel the impact and the rightness of purchasing this. Everything feels easy and achievable now. And it helps that I can already feeling the doors beginning to open. Maybe I’m too optimistic but hey, this is the first time I’m pulling an amount this big to procure something for myself, without any financial assistance from anyone. I’d say it’s enough to take the streets in my dancing shoes. Fortunately, I’m not that dramatic. Hehe.

Anyways, this is the new month and I should be starting this month powering something big. But I do have plans to keep up with the Hive staking routine this month and see how it goes. I love #hpud for a lot of reasons and I’m glad I’ve been able to be faithful to that tradition even though in recent months I’ve not openly talked about it. So here’s 20 Hive powered up successfully. In the world of coins, I don’t have much to say but hopefully, by the beginning of next month, the story would be different.

Can’t end this post that I intended to be short without wishing my beloved country a Happy Birthday. It’s an amazing country and despite all the calamity we seem to be facing in the country at present, I wouldn’t wish to be an indigene of any other nation. So yeah, Happy 64th birthday to my beloved country, Nigeria. And Happy New Month to you all. Hope this month is filled with joy for everyone.


Images are mine.

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