Skill, Mastery, & Luck will help you handle Market Volatility

The volatility of the market hardly let Roy have some good sleep. He did not want the latest dramatic change in the value of currencies all over the world to affect him negatively and that kept him up. He had lost a bit more than he had hoped he would and it was his time to be smart and use the volatility of the market to his advantage.

Skill, Mastery, & luck will help you handle Market Volatility.png
He was not a quitter and he was not going to quit because he had made a few losses. As usual, he was pressed for money. His kid needed money for his tuition fee before the month ran out, his girlfriend needed money for a host of things he did not know, but he was going to give her anyway because she never got money from him when she was not truly in need.

He would stay up all night watching the candles and praying for a favorable trading condition. Night trading had not been a bad idea and he had had a fair share of the goodness that abound in it, but he needed one of those goodnesses at the moment as he sat there sipping his caffeine and chewing a bubble gum that usually helped him stay awake.

Roy usually loses himself in the sight, watching the candles and thinking what he could do with the money when it rolled in, who in his life needed it more, and who was just asking because they thought he had a little more than enough to spare. He never let the assumptions stick in their heads.

Once when his kid brother had asked for some money to pay off a debt he incurred from gambling, he had told him without mincing words that he owed him nothing and would not give him even if his debtors were coming after him with guns blazing and blades glittering under the sun.

His brother had of course looked for another way to pay off his debts without making Roy part with his hard-earned money under pressure to help a brother who had made fruitless expenditures.

Roy was going to use the stop-loss order to help minimize his losses as the exchange rate of the currency he had been hodling started to dwindle at a mind-boggling space. But he did not. He hoped for another dramatic change that would skyrocket the exchange rate and make him rich in the next few days.

When he closed the trade for the night and retired, it was with dissatisfaction and anger. He had not made a dime and the currency he was hodling on to had dwindled so badly in the exchange rate that he sincerely hoped that there would be a change that would help him make a profit rather than losses.

Roy did not know if he was to pray or let things go their way as they ought to, but when he remembered that his kid needed to pay tuition fees, words of prayer left his lips.
He wanted to enter the market to find that there had been a dramatic rise in the value of the currency he was hodling and then he could sell and have his money as he ought to.

It happened and he could not help muttering words of thanks to God.
He had woken up groggy, hearing the telephone blaring but unable to go get it because he was too comfortable where he was lying and so he let it ring for as many times as the caller wanted to call. When he got to his feet, it was to go to his laptop that was resting on the table at one end of his room.

He got it and sighed, opened it, and entered the trading market. Not only was he a trader, he was an investor who had no qualms about the currency he had obtained in the market.

Roy was smart enough to start his exchange the moment the signals stood in his favor. It was his smartness and his ability to always use circumstances for his own benefit without being greedy that stood him out from the number of those making more losses than gains.

Roy could say he had made over twenty times all he had lost cumulatively from trading the cryptocurrency and that to him was more than fair... which was why he would never get dissuaded from doing his thing.

When he had started trading cryptocurrency, his mother had thought it would leave him impoverished in a couple of months and she had tried to make him see her point, but he did not. He had retained his day job and had started night trading.

The first few months were hell and he thought he was not smart enough, but as he sat there, he realized how much better he had become.

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