Reflecting on 'Seaspiracy': A Personal Journey of Maritime Awareness


I recently watched the compelling Netflix documentary, "Seaspiracy," and it painted a disturbing image of the destructive influence humanity has had on our precious oceans. The documentary served as a jarring wake-up call, highlighting our collective responsibility to safeguard our "ship" as we voyage through the universe.


In the comfort of my living room, while undergoing a session of my DIY iontophoresis (a topic I delved into in a previous post), I embarked on this journey. The aim was to gain some insights, some value that traditional entertainment often lacks. What unfolded over the duration of the documentary was a startling revelation of mankind's destructive influence on the marine world.

As the film unfolded, it highlighted not just the environmental but also the moral implications of our activities on the oceans. This forced introspection made me realize that as humans, we are entrusted with the care of the Earth. Our activities are not isolated but woven into a delicate ecological tapestry where every action has a ripple effect.

One scene, in particular, struck a chord. An interviewee described the Earth as a ship, voyaging through the universe. The ocean, in this context, is the lifeblood of this ship. If we continue to damage our oceans, we are essentially setting our spaceship on a self-destructive course. The doom of the ship is, after all, the doom of all its passengers.


"Seaspiracy" also shone a light on the dark corners of the fishing industry. An aspect that intrigued me was the 'Dolphin Safe' label and the assurance it implies. The documentary led me to question the authenticity of such labels and the ethical practices (or lack thereof) behind them. Are we as consumers oblivious to the truth? Or are we choosing to turn a blind eye to the repercussions of our consumption patterns?

Despite the profound impact, the journey from awareness to action is not immediate. Like many, I too have yet to incorporate significant changes in my lifestyle post-Seaspiracy. Nevertheless, the seeds of responsibility and consciousness have been sown. It is a start towards an inevitable change, a step towards acknowledging the role we play in the larger ecological scheme.

There has been much controversy and criticism post-Seaspiracy, leading to several debates on its credibility. However, the core message is one I find myself in agreement with. Citing Revelations 11:18, we are reminded of divine retribution for those who wreak havoc on the Earth. Thus, protecting our seas extends beyond the realm of environmentalism, entering the sphere of moral duty.

For those who have watched or plan to watch "Seaspiracy," my advice would be to remain open to the information, absorb it, question it, and be more aware of the consequences of irresponsible fishing. Knowledge indeed is power, and being aware of the ripple effects of our actions is the first step towards significant change.


These introspective journeys, like Seaspiracy, offer much more than entertainment. They make us question, introspect, and above all, make us conscious of our actions. We are all passengers aboard the spaceship Earth, the ship that is our home, our responsibility. As we journey through the cosmos, let us pledge to protect and respect the lifeblood that nourishes us. Let's strive to end the seaspiracy.

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey

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