Project Update and Future Decisions: Your Opinion Matters!

Dear community,

I want to share an important update on the current state of the project and the way forward.

Current State of the Project:
So far, our project has advanced thanks to the effort and dedication of all of you. However, we have encountered some significant challenges:

Financial Resources: Covering the server costs has been a constant challenge. Fortunately, I have secured a VPS that guarantees us at least one year of service at no additional cost.

Development Team: Our development team has changed. My colleague who handled the front-end has decided not to continue due to time constraints, a decision that I completely understand and respect. This leaves me in charge of both the backend and the front-end, as well as all the decisions required for the project.

Current Situation:
I am committed to continuing the project, but the reality is that working alone on both fronts is a considerable challenge. Before making any definitive decisions, I want to hear from our community.

Survey: The Future of the Project
You have every right to participate in the decision regarding the future of the project. Please take a moment to respond to the following survey:

Continue the Project: I am willing to continue and take on the development of both the backend and the front-end. However, this will require time and may slow down progress. It is also necessary to include new developers who are willing to participate.

End the Project: Consider this option if the majority believes that the project cannot advance effectively with the current resources and team.

Your Opinion Matters
I sincerely ask you to participate in the survey and share your opinions and suggestions. Your feedback is crucial to make the best decision for the future of the project.

I deeply appreciate the support and passion you have shown so far. All those who continue to trust in the project are the most important pillar, and I am confident that together, we can decide the best path forward.

Please access the survey here:

Any questions or concerns, I will be monitoring the comments on this post to respond to everything you need to know. The survey will be available until the 19th. On that day, I will show the results of the votes, and based on the decision, we will determine the next steps.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


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