Wild Rift: My Best Play with RIVEN / Mi mejor partida con RIVEN (ARAM) [ENG /ESP]


You know when you're playing some fighting game, you don't really know what you're doing and you start pressing all the buttons randomly and by pure chance and luck you get a super difficult combo? Well, that's basically what I did for most of this battle in ARAM. Riven was the champion I got and had to play with in this game, and I had never really played with this character until that day, so I had no idea how to use him, let alone what his abilities did, I could read a bit about his abilities before starting the game as such, but I had no experience playing with this champion, so I was totally blind with Riven.

You know when you're playing some fighting game, you don't really know what you're doing and you start pressing all the random buttons and by pure chance and luck you get a super difficult combo? Well, that's basically what I did for most of this battle in ARAM. Riven was the champion I got and had to play with in this game, and I had actually never played with this character until that day, so I had no idea how to use him, let alone what his abilities did, I was able to read a bit about his abilities before I started the game as such, but I had no experience playing with this champion, so I was totally blind with Riven. That's why I didn't record the screen of this game as usual, since I didn't have any kind of hope with this champion for the reasons mentioned before and that's why after having made some of my best games with a champion to date, since it has been the only game where I have made a streak of 4 enemy champions killed, that is, I managed to make a "QuadraKill" in this game and I was very close to make the "Pentakill", is that I recorded this game thanks to Wild Rift saves all the games you've done. Playing with Riven for the first time and getting the MVP, being 19/9/19 and also getting the "QuadraKill" is one of the things I least expected when I started playing with this champion and I wish I could have recorded the game as usual because you could have seen the madness and the mess I was making when controlling and using Riven's abilities through the mapping of the controls.

But anyway, Riven is a character that I really liked to use, I also think I was quite lucky that my enemies were much worse than me playing, for that reason I had quite an advantage because after that first game with that champion, I played again with Riven and the result was totally different. However, Riven has been one of the few Melee champions that I have liked, he has a good set of skills which I would like to learn to use, those skills are the following:


Riven's passive ability is called: "RUNIC BLADE" and this ability consists in the fact that each skill that Riven performs generates a charge which is spent when using basic attacks, in this way those attacks are boosted and therefore, cause more damage.


"BROKEN WINGS" This is Riven's first "active" skill, which consists of an attack in which we can choose the trajectory where Riven will perform the attack. This ability can be performed 3 times continuously as a combo, and the third attack of this ability can push back the enemies. So this is one of those champions that have "combos" in their attacks, although perhaps not as difficult to do as other champions.


"KI BURST" Basically it consists of a burst of energy by Riven which serves to stun enemies for a short period of time, so the enemy is more prone to the following attacks of this champion.


"VALOR" This is Riven's third ability and it is a perfect ability to avoid any enemy attack, since it consists of Riven performing a "dash" in any direction we choose and when doing this she will obtain a temporary shield that will protect her from that enemy attack.


Riven's ultimate ability is called "BLADE OF THE EXILE" and consists of Riven powering up his sword to such an extent that it can be repaired during the time that this ability is active. During this time Riven's physical attacks will be boosted and he will also be able to perform a ranged ability called "Wind Slash", although he will only be able to do it once.

¿Sabes cuando estás jugando a algún juego de pelea, del cual no sabes muy bien lo que estás haciendo y empiezas a presionar a todos los botones aleatoriamente y por pura casualidad y suerte te sale un combo súper difícil? Bueno, básicamente así hice yo durante gran parte de esta batalla en ARAM. Riven fue el campeón que obtuve y con el que tenía que jugar en esta partida, y realmente no había jugado con este personaje nunca hasta aquel día, por lo que no tenía ninguna idea de cómo usarlo, ni mucho menos que hacían sus habilidades, pude leer un poco sobre sus habilidades antes de empezar la partida como tal, pero igualmente no tenía experiencia jugando con este campeón, por lo que iba totalmente a ciegas con Riven.

Por ese motivo no grabe la pantalla de esta partida de forma habitual, ya que no tenía ningún tipo de esperanza con este campeón por los motivos antes menciones y es por eso que luego de haber hecho unas de mis mejores partidas con un campeón hasta la fecha, ya que ha sido la única partida en donde he hecho una racha de 4 campeones enemigos asesinados, es decir, logré hacer un “CuadraKill” en esta partida y estuve muy cerca de realizar el “Pentakill”, es que grabé esta partida gracias a que Wild Rift guarda todas las partidas que has hecho. Jugar con Riven por primera vez y haber obtenido el MVP, haber quedado 19/9/19 y además, haber logrado el “CuadraKill” es de las cosas que menos esperaba cuando empecé a jugar con este campeón y ojala hubiese podido grabar la partida de forma habitual ya que se pudiese haber visto la locura y el desastre que estaba haciendo al momento de controlar y usar las habilidades de Riven por medio del mapeado de los controles.

Pero en fin, Riven es un personaje que me gustó mucho usar, también creo que tuve bastante suerte que mis enemigos eran mucho peor que yo jugando, por ese motivo tuve bastante ventaja ya que luego de esa primer partida con ese campeón, volví a jugar con Riven y el resultado fue totalmente distinto. Sin embargo, Riven ha sido de los pocos campeones Melee que me he gustado, tiene un buen conjunto de habilidades los cuales me gustaría aprender a utilizar, siendo esas habilidades las siguientes:


La habilidad pasiva de Riven tiene por nombre: "ESPADA RÚNICA" y esta habilidad consiste en que cada habilidad que Riven realiza genera una carga las cuales se gastan al usar ataques básicos, de esta forma esos ataques se potencia y por ende, causan más daño.


"ALAS ROTAS" Es la primera habilidad "activa" de Riven, la cual consiste en un ataque en el cual podemos elegir la trayectoria donde Riven realizara dicho ataque. Esta habilidad podrá ser realizada 3 veces continuamente en forma de combo, pudiendo el tercer ataque de esta habilidad retroceder a los enemigos. Por lo que este es uno de esos campeones que tienen "combos" en sus ataques, aunque quizás no tan difíciles de hacer como otros campeones.


"ESTALLIDO DE KI" Básicamente consiste en un estallido de energía por parte de Riven el cual sirve para aturdir a los enemigos por un corto periodo de tiempo, de esta forma el enemigo está más propenso ante los siguientes ataques de este campeón.


"VALOR" Es la tercera habilidad de Riven y es una habilidad perfecta para evitar algún ataque enemigo, ya que consiste en que Riven realiza un "dash" en alguna dirección que elijamos y al hacer esto ella obtendrá un escudo temporal que la protegerá de ese ataque enemigo.


La habilidad definitiva de Riven se llama: "ESPADA DEL EXILIO" y consiste en que Riven potencia su espada a tal punto de ser reparada en el tiempo que este activa esta habilidad. Durante ese tiempo los ataques físicos de Riven serán potenciados y también podrá también realizar una habilidad a rango llamada "Corte de Viento", aunque solo podrá hacerlo una vez.

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