Education as an essential key

From time inmemorial till date, education has proven to be worth while. Sometimes I and my dad sits to discuss about how education was in the past and how a person can amase to something relevant in the society by going to school. We've also talked about education as an essential fundamental to the degree at which a person can easily get diverse opportunity for good and quality work. Even while growing up and attaining to my teen age education looked like a do or die affair that whenever one wasn't admitted in the university, such person would cry for the whole of that week because of how important it was to go to school.

But then again it's so unfortunate that in our present time and dispensation, many young ones now see education as something to be irrelevant but the truth will always stand "if education is expensive then try ignorance". Ignorance has cost so many people much more opportunities than they think education would and the end result isn't funny. I used to have a close friend who literally has no passion for education some years back and even when the parents try their possible best to ensure they generate fees he wasn't just serious with anything. Days turned into weeks and weeks to years and his passion for school faded away to the point he had to drop out from highschool saying education wasn't his thing despite convincing him to at least finish highschool he refused.

Just two years back I met him at the park while traveling to another state and luckily we boarded same vehicle going to Abuja, Nigeria. We got talking along the line and he shared with me some sad stories and how he wished he had completed his highschool at the right time. As at then he told me he later managed to get his highschool result but no sponsor for him to further as his parents no focus their attention on the other kids. Not wanting to say much about my friend's case but just to use him as a pointer that education is indeed better than ignorance.

Aside the fact education is one of the major ways that foster a substantial living one other thing it does is that it boast self confidence. Being confident helps a lot in several ways which is being able to stand and defend yourself when needed. In terms of presentation, it is one that is confident that can be able to handle a presentation or become a group supervisor which of course education would definitely help to bring the best out of you.There are so many things being educated helps which I didn't get to mention all but trust me with the way technology is taking over the world one has to be sound educational to fit in most things such as the digital world.

Lastly I'll also like to chip in that both the school, society and parents have a major role to play in terms of education which one of these can not be omitted. Just like the parents role is training their wards in school providing all the basic materials, the school needs to take classes seriously and in a loving manner to ensure that students are comfortable in the school environment likewise the society must encourage students by building good structures and employing only qualified teachers to help instil knowledge.

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This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the monthly prompts #augustinleo for day 14 Thoughts about education. to get involved clink on contest announcement.

thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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