Law, The Only Way Out

Law, The Only Way Out


The law is meant to maintain order wherever it exists. It is a system of ensuring that things are done the way they ought to be done.

That's why in every community or organization there are always laws governing human activities. The thing is without laws the society won't be organized, people would be living the way they want and that would definitely prevent the society from growing, as the smart and strong will use their advantages to cheat the weak ones.

The law creates balance in the world. What most people don't like about it is the fact that there is always a punishment attached to breaking it. Ideally, the aim of the punishment is to use the victims as scapegoats to scare others from committing the same offense.

Unfortunately, in our world today, it seems as if laws are only for the poor and those without connection. Even if you are an offender, if you are rich, you are innocent. People deliberately go against laws and go scot-free because they have devious means to wash themselves out of the mud.

This is part of the reason why most countries are corrupt, those with fortunes are esteemed so highly that they seem to be above the law and because they tried it many times and walked away free, it made room for others to also do the same thing.

We all know that when things happen that way, the citizens will not overlook it. You can't set rules for me and you are not obeying them.

The government of many nations has a lot of work to do, if they want their countries to come to their former glory, they have to be strict with laws and those in the government must also bend themselves to obey the law.

No community on earth is run without law. Law makes the work of leadership very easy. Some years back when there was a serious attack from thieves in my local community, the head of our community recruited some young men and saddled them with the responsibility of security.

A strict law was given, once it's 10:00 pm no one should be caught outside. We obeyed and in the end, all of us in the community enjoyed the attack. The thieves knew that if they came out for operation they would be caught because those security boys were very faithful and dedicated to the assignment given to them.

In a situation where everyone is subject to a given law, the power of the law will bring transformation and conversely, where the law is disregarded, there would be corruption.

These days, It's as if people who make the law only create it for the public and exclude themselves. I believe that as far as it's law, no one should be superior to it, even the one who spelled it out.

Photo by Matthias Zomer

It hurts me when I see lawgivers doing contrary to what they say. In Nigeria, the opposite of everything is the actual thing. When you see don't, it actually meant to and when you see do, it's don't. When you get arrested you see it boldly written, "Bail is free," but you must pay a fine before you get released.

Imagine lawbreakers who have money, when they commit offenses, is it not just to pay a fine and get out free?

Forgive me, but I think law was only law in the days of old, nowadays we only have written words. Laws are just there for formalities.

The place of law is taken away from the society. Laws that are for the good of the entire community are often kept aside but the ones that will affect people negatively are the ones that are taken seriously.

Both the lawgivers and the subject are responsible for how their community becomes at the end of the day, if they both work together according to the laid down rules, I believe things will go well but if they do the contrary, the opposite result is why they will get.

I have always loved laws, even though some of them are grievous at times but I believe they were set for our own good. All over the world, I don't think there's any country that has laws that were intended to destroy its citizens, except they are under slavery but every government has good laws for its country, the only problem we have is obeying them.

Today, we fight the law which is why our society is the way it is. You hear rumors of killings, kidnapping, corruption, money embezzlement, and so on. If we obey the law, things like these will not happen, and even if they occur, they will not be as rampant as it is these days.

The change most communities crave lies in their laws, if only they would bend themselves to work according to the laid down rules, both the leaders and the subjects, I believe things will get better.

This is my entry for day 9 #aprilinleo daily prompt. You can check it out

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