Morning Sunshine On the Trees

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share a few photos that I took the other day, on something I've come to enjoy!


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Morning Sunshine On the Trees

I'm overall really happy with how some things are in life. One of the things that has been really positive for me is that I've been learning how to slow down and take things in, where I really didn't do a good job of that before.

In the mornings, I'm really lucky in that I get to wake up at a good hour, get the kiddo ready for school and they leave. I am then able to have a few minutes of alone time to myself before work starts for the day. One of my favorite morning activities is definitely just taking a few moments to stop and look at the sun as it's cresting over the treeline and hitting the trees that are right outside the property.


I find it really interesting to watch the sun as it's coming up, and on the different days how it changes. Some days it's up when I get out there still pretty low, and I get to watch it as it ascends and bakes the trees with the gracious light. Other times it's already up by the time I get there and in a different position than it is other times.

I think this is pretty cool, at least for me, to observe how the times are changing slowly every day. In the northern hemisphere, we are losing a little bit of daylight every day up until the Solstice that happens in December, where we turn the other way and start to get more daylight per day. With the changes in the amount of daylight we are getting, it's definitely something I am keeping track of and aware.


I don't know if it's a "getting older" thing but noticing these things now was not something I was planning on doing, but it's pretty fun and interesting. I love looking at the beauty that is nature, watching the birds fly around (too fast and far away for me to get a photo of them, the little buggers) and listening to them yap about. I love watching the slight breeze and how it changes the various colors of the tree leaves. It's a bit like a natural kaleidoscope which is pretty cool, and brings me a few memories from being a kid if I'm honest..

I think in the crazy, fast-paced world we live in today it's really important that we try to take a step back and a breath whenever we can. You never know when something is going to happen, or if some stupid shit is going to change but we can ground ourselves mentally by appreciating nature like this.


There is a lot of science around how spending daily time in nature, even if it's a few minutes, is really important for our brains and our overall health. They have shown that cities that have minimal or no trees have much higher crime than the cities and neighborhoods that have a lot of trees even though they both have a lot of pavement and buildings, simply making sure there are lots of trees growing has a profound effect on the mental health of the people who are living there.

I know that this time of year the trees are starting to let go of their summer health and life, shedding it for the autumnal colors and eventually dropping the leaves entirely. It's something I appreciate seeing because I find it really fascinating how nature operates, and how everything is cyclical. It makes me believe that what we are going through now, however tough it is, is a cycle and this is the negative aspect of the cycle with the positive coming afterwards.

On the photo side of these, I really like how the different colors are coming out here. There is a lot of darkness in the foreground with the beautiful, shining colors when the sun hits the water or the trees. It really makes it quite an interesting look! I think that's why I find it inspiring to look at them in the morning, with the differing shades and stuff.

Bit of a random few thoughts, but I think the importance of trees and spending time near them is so critical for us as humans, subconsciously!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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