Decision is the seed of Consequences.

Decisions are the seed of the end products of our actions. This is my best quote, I formed it myself. Decision is the seed to producing results of actions. Making decisions at any point or in any situation is a crucial part of human life. A president can decide to wage a war against another country and this can lead to a huge loss of lives. Decisions can be helpful or disastrous depending on the situation upon which it was made. If every parent decides to only procreate one child, the world's population would drop in a miraculous way.

Talking about myself, I would say that barely half of my decisions are influenced by others, mainly my eldest brother. Since my Dad kicked the bucket, my eldest brother has been trying his best to keep the family in order. I was only ten before my Dad's demise and I had only my native name, Nwachukwunyere. When my brother, the eldest brought me to the city where he was living, I needed to get an "English" name so that I could easily relate with others who couldn't pronounce my long name.

I woke one morning and when I greeted my brother, "Good morning, Sir", he replied, "Good morning, Godwin." I pretended like I didn't hear him well. He repeated this several times till one day when he wanted to send me on an errand and he called for shouting, "Godwin, Godwin!!!! I didn't respond until he called me by my name, Nwachukwunyere. When I met him, he then asked me, "Are you trying to tell me that you don't know that your name is Godwin, do you want to bear Nwachukwunyere in the city? Okay, let me make it formal, your name is Godwin Nwachukwunyere".

That was how I added up to my names. My brother has supported me so much in my academic struggle from the primary to the higher institution. When I was in high school, my school often organized professional talks. In this seminar, we were always advised to decide our professions ourselves but wisely. We were told that it was a crucial part of our lives where we were left to make decisions for ourselves. I knew this seminar was not for me because before we had this seminar, my brother had already told me that I should make up my mind to be a medical doctor.

I guess the only decision I have been making at home till today that's not influenced by anyone is the decision to smile or look mean. I only make my full decisions outside home. I am saying this because I am living with a strict brother.

Most times, listening to my friends' opinions before taking action does help me a lot. I remember Joe, my high schoolmate who was known to be very annoying. Joe crossed me once when he stole my notebook which I was supposed to use to prepare for a test. I was very down after the test because I knew I didn't perform well. I became so vexed when I found out that it was Joe who stole my notebook and used it to prepare for the test. Some of my mates advised me to pick up a fight with him but my clique of boys advised me to let go that it was a temptation that may lead to expulsion. I listened to their advice and made a final decision to report him the our boarding master.

That's not my only decision that had been influenced by friends but most of them had always been helpful. Following the crowd is never my life. Most people tag me pride but it's just me. I just love bearing my cross, that's facing the consequences of my decisions rather than regret following others at the end. When I find myself in any situation where I feel I am helpless among my friends, I would rather seek advice from any trusted person(s) than try to cope with others who are in this same condition.

Thanks to everyone who has viewed my post. Love you all😍😍😍.

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