Warren Buffet, Should We Be Worried?

The stress levels that I and many others are experiencing right now in the markets are probably at their peak. The stakes are high, the returns are high and unfortunately, the risks are high. Take any market index they are all at their all-time highs. P/E ratios all-time highs.Crypto markets overall yet another all-time high. Bitcoin chilling above 60k is suddenly boring and everyone is waiting for the next big move and that adrenaline rush.
On top of that, we have a bunch of market advocates charting t.a. or any other kind of analysis projecting increasingly bigger goals with ever more conviction.
It's hard to not hear Warren Buffet's voice in my head echoing " Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful".
I am by no means an expert in the markets, but I'd like to explain how I see current situation.
Someone's gotta give. Right now the headlines in financial newspapers reads: Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway to be exact are sitting on the record amount of cash $149.2 billion as of Sept.30.
I think this is exciting for two main reasons, Warren has incredible track record, especially considering his age, so right now we are left with two possibilities, either the era of this titan has come to an end or we are about to fall of the cliff and he is getting well prepared for what's about to come.
Either way, it's going to be amazing to closely watch how this situation will play out.

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