Ashgard..a fantasy.

"Hey you! stop right there!" Those were the shouts of the guards as they chased after me. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, ny one aim to get to the royal palace and see the one man who abandoned my mother and I.

Sensing the guards all around me, I took a detour through a small alley way that led to the garden. Never have I seen so many beautiful flowers all at once. Their fragrance was pulling me to stay but I had a mission, a mission to seek what is rightfully mine.

I tore my gaze from the flowers and walked towards a passage way, to seek the one man whose memories haunted my dreams, "king Frederick of Ashgard, I'm coming for you". I overheard two maids gossiping about the king being in his study on the left wing with two of his officials. "What perfect timing" I thought.

photo by Naoufel Bouazizi

Quietly, I walked towards the left wing at full alert. Nothing should go wrong as I confront the king. Booms of laughter coming from the far side of the left wing drew my attention and stealthily I walked till I approached the door. I knocked twice and waited for the command to enter. The king and his officials were taken aback by my entry and were fuming for being disturbed.

"What is your purpose here child?" boomed the prime minister. "My lords, take no offense at my presence, I'm merely here to settle an old score" I replied boldly, howbeit my head was bowed low.

"Pray tell child, what is that score you seek to settle and to whom?" This time, it was the king that spoke.

A sly smile appeared on my lips as I raised my head to stare at the king. Shock was evident on his face, his eyes wide open staring at my green emerald balls. I could tell he knew who I was but his officials were clueless.

"Speak child, what is your purpose?"" One of them asked.

"My name is Rosalind Marie Frederick, daughter of King Fredrick of Ashgard", pulling down the hat to uncover my face. Shock was the language the officials faces spoke and I was pleased.

photo by Goran Dojinovic

"Your majesty, what is going on? Is she telling the truth?" The officials probed. Feeling guilty and sad, he nodded in response. She is my first child, born by my first wife, Miranda before I became king of Ashgard. I thought she was dead.

"Please forgive me child for my weakness in not searching for you all these years" he said remorsefully.

"This means the kingdom finally has an heir, your majesty you must decree this at once. This would put a stop to the forthcoming war for the throne" the prime minister adviced.

" Very well, send out a royal decree that my lost daughter is found and she is the rightful heir to the throne of Ashgard!"

Looking at me with the same green hopeful eyes, he said "welcome home daughter".

Rising up he held my hand and spoke to his officials, "let's hold a ball to celebrate the arrival of the princess and officially make her the crown princess of Ashgard"

photo by Min An

"Long live the king!"
"Long live Princess Rosalind"

The officials chorused in unison while a bright smile appeared on my face. I finally got the recognition I deserved.

Thank you all for reading...shalom.

This is my response to day 14 #aprilinleo initiative.

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