Ability strategy analysis: Martyr

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This week martyr. A somewhat new ability that has really shaken up the meta. Now some low health unit are used in a total different matter. These unit are ment to be killed first to boost other unit in you battle linup.

If combined with resurrect and or with rebirth rule set some unit can become very powerfull


When an Unit dies with the martyr ability: adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits

Resurrect - One of the best ability to combine it with is resurrect let the martyr be triggered twice.
Bloodlust - I love to bring along another bloodlust unit adjacent to the martyr unit so it boosted by the martyr unit my favorite unit to place next to my martyr units are:

Be aware of abilities

Dispel - when is unit is boosted by martyr it can be dispelled.

Ruleset benefits
Born again - everybody got the rebirth , meaning also the unit martyr will be born again combined with a other resurrect unit it can lead to total of 3 times. This can even be further with a summoner that has resurrect and multiple resurrect unit but i have not tried that nor i have a summoner with resurrect.
Equal Opportunity - I like this rule set so you can play into this putting a low health unit with martyr, like the Venari Marksrat, in a second or third place so it firstly attack by the opportunity.
Target practice - Same as equal opportunity place you martyr so it will be target first

Select / favorite

Mine martyr units:

There are two units that i use very often that is the Venari Marksrat and Iziar.
I you look at my statistics you will see that i play the Venari Marksrat more often but i think that is going to chance over time. Just a few seasons ago i got my Iziar to level 3 😍, where it gets the martyr.


I have chosen Iziar mainly becuase it has taunt so most of the time you are pretty sure its the first unit that dies.
Where some extra stats of my Iziar:


Lets have a look into a battle where my Iziar is shining.


High mana match, this almost needed to such high mana cost unit. All units will have true strike and extra armor.
Als the new rule set is in the mix every unit will receive 1 armor damage every turn.


Aim True:
All unit will gain true strike ability. meaning all unit will hit their target. Still speed is important to strike first.

Corrosive Fog:
All unit will receive -1 armor damage every turn.

Armored Up:
Every unit will gain 2 armor. Nice combination with the Corrosive Fog gain some armor and every turn it will take some armor 🤣.

The Lineup


Just like almost every week my favorite summoner again select for all the buffs speed/armor and health all are very welcome in this battle.

Units Lineup


Arkemis the Bear (lvl 7)
Since i upgrade this unit to level 7 where it gain the forcefield i select it more often. The current meta has some heavy hitters that have more than 5 damage. This is why forcefield is more important now a days.

Djinn Renova (lvl 6)
If other unit are hit other than Arkemis or Iziar it might be healed by Djinn Renova.

Venari Crystalsmith (lvl 8)
Heal the bear in the front important that the first unit is kept alive long enough so Izia can die first. If this not happen the strategy failed. This is because then the resurrect is done on the bear instead of Iziar.

Adelade Brightwing (lvl 4)
Important unit in this strategy for its resurrect.

Iziar (lvl 3)
Star of this week. The combination taunt with martyr is already nice combine that with resurrect and the adjacent unit can be boosted twice.

Pelacor Arbalest (lvl 8)
The double strike is key here when its boosted twice it will have 5 damage. Important to note that this also might be risky if your opponent has brought a forcefield unit it will only do 1 damage. Not often there are more than 1 force field unit so its worth the gamble.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Analyse the battlefield. Interesting to see a complete different lineup. First what i notice that it will attack with most of its unit to my Iziar that is great and part of the plan.
If I can kill the two massive thank quickly it will be a win. When the adjacent unit of Iziar are boosted it will go fast imho.
Even if my Pelacor Arbalest only does 2 total damage against the Mycelic Slipspawn my Adelade Brightwing will do 4 after its boosted.

Round 1:

Already a lot of damage is done even that no unit is killed its working as planned for now.
Like to see that the damage of the Mycelic Infantry is reduced by Arkemis the Bear its halving ability.

Round 2:

One of the few times I'm not sad to see my unit has died so quickly (twice) in one round.
Adelade Brightwing and Pelacor Arbalest are fully boosted and can start doing dome serious damage.
When Mycelic Slipspawn i down it wil go fast.

Round 3:

My opponent has killed my tank now one think that not needs to happen is that my ranged unit is getting to the front. I think i will be fine. what is also nice that because of the martyr te speed is boosted so i may strike first. This is something you need think about especially when the reverse speed rule set is in the mix, lucky not in this match.

Round 4:

i could kill two unit before it they could attack which is making speed again such important to keep in mind.
When you kill the units first they cannot attack any more huge difference.

Round 5:

There it is. Another 10 damage by Pelacor Arbalest leading to the victory of this battle.


I like the martyr with resurrect combination it so strong. Martyr is overall a very nice strategy think trough the option to sacrifice a unit or keep it alive so it can do damage itself.
Often I chose for quick dead of the martyr unit so the adjacent units are boosted.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
ConscriptAbility post: Conscript
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize
DispelAbility post: Dispel
Divine ShieldAbility post: Divine Shield
DodgeAbility post: Dodge
Double StrikeAbility post: Double Strike
EnrageAbility post: Enrage
FlyingAbility post: Flying
ForcefieldAbility post: Forcefield
FuryAbility post: Fury
Giant KillerAbility post: Giant Killer
HalvingAbility post: Halving
HeadwindsAbility post: Headwinds
HealAbility post: Heal
Tank HealAbility post: Tank Heal
ImmunityAbility post: Immunity
InspireAbility post: Ispire
Knock OutAbility post: Knock Out
Last StandAbility post: Last Stand
Life LeechAbility post: Life leech
Magic ReflectAbility post: Magic Reflect

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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