Lets Fly and Dodging all the Shit

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail.png

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of my scholar account that played in Diamond League Format.And this time, i want to share that in Lost Magic ruleset that we cannot using any Magic type attack monster into the battle,but we can using range and melee attack type units in this battle. And talking cannot using magic type attack monster, in chaos edition there is one legendary summoner that can help to dodging and handle melee and range attack type monster in splinterlands universe that is Astral Entity



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Lost Magic lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

Magic units may not be used in battle.
Use Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks.
Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
Units with 2 types of attack (which include magic) cannot be used.

Okay as the ruleset said, we cannot using any magic type attack in this battle. So, both player get benefits by just thinking how to manage defend and attacking using range and melee type attack. And with the narrowing condition like that. Sometimes we can make the best strategy arrangement right. And in this battle i am using Death element combined with Astral Entity that really strong againts range and melee type attack.


Strategy Phase

In this battle i am utilize the soulbound reward card that really usefull in this battle. And this time i am using combination on melee and range type attack.

Okay the first monster that i picked for my frontline tanker is Ever-Hungry Skull. I am choosing this monster because this monster having pretty good abilities. Also in this battle both player cannot using magic type attack.So, this monster is really strong to defend any range and melee monster type attack. This monster having flying ability that can dodging any range or melee attack, also this monster having thorns abilities that can gives back damage to melee monster that hitting this monster. And the good part this monster having return fire ability that can gives back damage to range monster that hitting this monster. This monster having high armor that can holding any attack.

For the attacker i am using this Possessed Puppet monster. This monster can attack twice with double strikes ability.And this monster having cripple ability that can reduce maximum health of opponent that this monster hit and if the opponent using armor to protect, with cripple ability the maximum health will reducing until to be just only one and after the armor broken, it will easy to defeat the opponent. And the last abilities is dispel. So, all the buff will be reset after get touch of this monster.

For the backline tanker i am using this monster called Harklaw. This monster is having pretty good amount of health and also this monster having bonus 3 armor. Also, this monster have shield ability that can reduce any melee and range type attack. And for opponent melee type attack will get debuff by this monster using demoralize ability. And if opponent using poison play. It will be very useless because this monster having immunity ability. Despite of all that, this monster is really strong and though to be beaten with any range and melee type attack. Thats why using this monster as tanker is pretty good in Lost Magic ruleset.

The last monster and the main carry in this battle is Riftwing . Although this monster did not have any attack. But, this monster is having pretty good ability especially when combined with Astral Entity as summoner because Astral Entity gives dodge ability to entire team. So, this monster will having bonus ability that make this monster really hard to be beaten. Having flying ability that gives chance to dodge any range and melee attack combined with dodge ability too that make this monster have double chance to dodge any range and melee type attack. And this monster having headwind ability to make opponent range monster will get debuff. The greatest ability that make this monster to be my main carry is backfire that can return damage if opponent missing attacking this monster. And with scavenger ability this monster maximum health will added after any monster died in battle.



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This time i am encountered with player that from The Grand Praetorian Army guild. This guild as far as i know having pretty strong player. But,let's try on into this battle. And this time opponent using Possibilus The Wise that can support any Melee type attack monster. And meanwhile, i am using Astral Entity that playing as defending the melee type attack.

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And in this battle as you can see the picture above, having 3 ruleset. The first ruleset is Lost Magic ruleset that means this ruleset will make both player cannot using magic type attack in this battle. The second ruleset is Super Sneak that means all melee type attack will attack from behind first. The last ruleset is Healing Out that means all heal cannot be used in this battle. The manacap that can be used is 99 which is the highest manacap.So, this battle we can using any monster that we need to make the best strategy and the only element that cannot be used in this battle is just Earth element which is not any effect in this battle since the best element in this battle still in Water and Death element.

My Strategy Line Up

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  • Astral Entity as Summoner
  • Ever-Hungry Skull as Frontline Tanker
  • Possessed Puppet as Attacker
  • Dhampir Stalker as Attacker
  • Lira The Darkness as Support Attacker
  • Riftwing as Backline Tanker
  • Harklaw as Backline Tanker

Opponent Strategy Line Up

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  • Possibillus The Wise as Summoner
  • Mantaroth as Frontline Tanker
  • Coastal Sentry as attacker
  • Deeplurker as attacker
  • Drybone Barbarian as Attacker
  • Kulu Mastermind as Attacker
  • Arkemis Bear as Backline Tanker

Looking both of player line up, i think my line up skill is below of opponent line up. Opponent line up is more complex and having pretty good ability with totality with melee type attack. Only Drybone Barbarian that having range attack in opponent line up. For the backline the opponent preparing Arkemis Bear that will make melee attack that have 5 total damage will be just one with forcefield ability.

Okay the summary of this battle is yeah as i said before that my Riftwing is the mvp of this battle because Riftwing having complex ability that can dodging any melee and range attack type in this battle. But, as i predicted this battle is really though. The opponent surprassing my team and i am winning with just luck in this battle. The opponent total attack is beyond my imagination and my Harklaw is cannot holding opponent total melee damage. But, fortunately my Harklaw cannot get any poison, so opponent Deeplurker will be useless. And the opponent Arkemis Bear Forcefield will be useless. And my Possessed Puppet can gives huge impact to opponent backline tanker with double attack using double strike ability. Luckily, my riftwing cannot be touching with any melee attack that opponent have. And the last round opponent Deeplurker and Coastal Sentry cannot touching my Riftwing. Maybe the dodge and the flying ability active in this battle. Because i am not using any cheat at all. It is just pure luck and this is the first luck that i get maybe. After having many battle.And when the opponent missing attacking my riftwing, it will get backfire damage and it is like suicide in opponent side. If only my Riftwing cannot dodge any attack, i will be the lose one.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Lets Fly and Dodging all the Shit



So, after experiencing this battle i can say that riftwing is trully overpowered when the RNG is really right in that moment. But, the best is in Lost Magic ruleset, we can choose and pick that wanna using aggresive strategy or defensive strategy. In this battle mine using Defensive strategy that utilize the dodge ability from Astral Entity as summoner. But, if wanna using aggresive strategy you can arrange like opponent line up. I think it is pure luck on my side. If we are on the normal condition i think using Water element combined with Possibilus The Wise still the better choice compared with my strategy with defence using dodge and flying ability. But back again all will come back to the RNG in this game. No strategy will work if the RNG is not pretty good. All will random.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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