From an amateur cook to a chef

Good day to you all my tutors and learners here on hive.

I remain this humble soul who is always ready to appreciate my existence on the surface, once we realize that staying alive is never by our power or might then we know that all we have to do in life is to thank God for his mercy and grace over us.

I know we all have to start somewhere and that’s something certain about our existence. Starting from somewhere and growing gradually. Be it learning or anything we do. I remember back then at school, my days at nursery down to primary and secondary schools till my higher institutions. It was all a gradual process.

Learning hand work would also follow the same process. You start as a newbie and then gradually you get to become a boss at it. You master it and work towards perfection. That’s just one thing I know about life.

I remember when I first got to the higher institution, everything looked so strange to me. I would carry my files and keep asking for every direction I am headed. I am always asking about how to cope and survive. But with time I became someone people are looking up to and someone who is directing people on where to go.

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This would take me straight to the prompt for the week 47 edition 1 on the hive learners community and the topic to be discussed is AN AMATEUR.

My experience as a chef.

I am not a good cook but I can say I am practically trying when it comes to cooking. All my mates at school would always credit me for how well I can cook. When I prepare beans, it’s always exceptional. Apart from having good beans to cook. The person who is cooking it also matters. But all these didn’t just come from nowhere, it was due to some non stop practices.

When I finished my secondary education, I was seeking admission into the institution. Before then Mum was in charge of cooking for us and my sister will be in the kitchen to assist. But as time went on, my sister enrolled for a training which made her always absent at home . My elder brother got admission so I am the only one left at home.

Mum decided to take that opportunity on me. She would always say “cooking is not for females alone, men are also involved. I had no other option than to go into the kitchen to cook while I took lessons from Mum. There are times she would come and assist me.

At first I got lazy about cooking but gradually something got me more interested in cooking and that is because I am always given the full access to eat and taste as much as I could. Yeah this was my source of inspiration. I became a chef because of that.

My first experience with cooking pap was nonsensical, because I knew I messed up a lot. Thank goodness it was my food. After boiling water, then I added some powdered maize to the boiling water. I left it there for few minutes before going to check. Then I realized I just made a nonsense food. The pap lookedso irritating.

I asked mum about how it was done. She showed me an example and I already grabbed it.

Cooking became something I liked doing then. If I should cook everyday then I must be improving gradually. From that amateur who would prepare rice with so much water and salt in it, I became a chef who would cook with the optimal amount of water and salt needed.

My first time cooking soup was another terrible experience. I overheated the oil until it was so hot, then when I would pour the pepper in it, fire gushed out of the pot.

I ran as fast as I could, but Mum came to help quench the fire. Now with the little experience I have I can now cook soup and stew to a satisfying level.

I am not bragging that I am a great chef who is internationally recognized. No, I am just someone who has improved a lot when it comes to cooking food and yet I am still always open to learning new ways too.

Thanks for reading.

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