Normie Libs Don’t Know What to Say About Trump


A month after the Trump assassination attempt, it’s like it never happened if you watch the mainstream media. They are trying to memory-hole the entire thing because just about everything that resulted from that day benefited Trump. But that's not the only reason they aren't talking about the Trump assassination attempt—normie libs literally don’t know what to say about it.

Sports podcasts are about the only normie libs I still listen to about anything, so I was relying on them to get the normie lib perspective on the Trump assassination attempt. But immediately following the ear-shot, the silence was deafening from them… nothing but crickets. A former/future president being shot on live TV was like a 9/11-level event. In the days after 9/11, you could not do a sports talk show without mentioning the elephant in the room of the terrorist attack. But normie libs ignored the Trump elephant after 7/13. They were terrified to say anything about the assassination attempt in the days following—which was absurd because it was all anyone could think about. I can’t believe people are still not talking about it more. There is so much we don’t know, but everyone has moved on to about six other Current Things since then—even Trump supporters... even Trump himself.

Sure, normally sports podcasters don't talk about politics (except for Covid shots, and kneeling during anthems, and BLM, and...), but if there is a major event (like a mass shooting) they'd comment on it. Yet there was total radio silence about the Trump assassination attempt. They acted like nothing happened and just talked about sports the day after. Not even a, "Hey, that was pretty crazy, huh?" Some brave center-left libs have spoken out, like Mark Zuckerberg, to at least say Trump looked "badass" that day. But most of the NPC normies on the center-left remain hesitant, unsure how they are "allowed" to respond. They had been brainwashed for eight years to hate Trump, but after the near-miss, most realized they didn't actually want him to be executed. This caused them to experience extreme cognitive dissonance.

Normie libs would like to voice some modest support for Trump, not a political endorsement, but just say they are glad he’s alive and do not condone violence. But they are terrified to say anything remotely positive about Trump because they might get canceled by the far-left who actually did want Trump to die. But if the center-left were to say that they wish Trump had gotten killed, they'd get canceled by, not just the right, but every sane person left in the center. The somewhat sane normies in the center-left are not talking about the Trump assassination attempt because there is nothing they can say.

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