Crooks: Dumb Luck, Criminal Genius, or Inside Job?


The official narrative about the Trump assassination attempt stinks like stale fish. They would have you believe that Thomas Crooks is simultaneously a criminal mastermind and the dumbest criminal ever. You would have to be unbelievably stupid to ever think you could climb onto the roof of a building full of police and Secret Service agents in broad daylight beside a crowd of thousands of people with no one noticing, then have time to line up a shot without being shot by the four snipers on roofs nearby. It seems dumb beyond belief…yet Crooks was able to do all that and get a clean shot off. So was he actually that smart to know the police and Secret Service would be that dumb? Did Crooks mastermind a perfect plan to find the precise location at the precise time that no one would notice him?

No, because he was spotted by the snipers, but they didn't shoot him--or take Trump off the stage. Crooks couldn't possibly have known the snipers would not shoot him after seeing him on the roof with a rifle—unless he had inside knowledge that the snipers would stand down and not shoot until he started shooting.

So what's the explanation? Was Crooks on the left side of the Bell Curve, super dumb but he just got extremely lucky (except for missing the shot)? Or was he on the right side of the Bell Curve, a supergenius criminal mastermind playing 4D chess, outwitting the Secret Service at every step, knowing his plan would work to perfection (except for missing the shot)? No. He was neither. Judging from his social media posts on Gab, Crooks was neither an idiot nor a genius—he was a midwit, smack dab in the middle of the Bell Curve.

This could only mean that Crooks had insider knowledge from federal agents that this absurd plan could work: that the roof would be open, and the snipers would stand down. That theory is further confirmed by the cell phone records that Crooks had visited DC near the FBI building prior to the assassination attempt. It had to be an inside job because nobody would ever think Crooks's plan could possibly work: you would surely be arrested before getting on the roof, and if you somehow did manage to get on the roof, you'd be shot by the snipers before even getting into position with your rifle. Crooks could not possibly have been so dumb to think that plan would work--unless he had assurances from people on the inside that it would work.

If it was an inside job, the orchestrators would be very careful about accountability and keep the number of people directly involved very limited. For instance, we know that the FBI and federal agencies create false flag terrorist attacks by grooming people (such as the Gov. Witmer kidnapping and countless other examples). This could have been done with Crooks on private servers. They find easy targets like him, loners with psychiatric problems.

A very small number of Feds could have known about the Crooks conspiracy plot. And they would limit their own liability, by just kind of dropping helpful information to nudge him along—such as pointing out that the roof would not be guarded and he'd have a clear shot at Trump. They may never actually tell him what to do or “order” him to kill Trump, they just give him some tips to help make it happen. And of course, all this is done on encrypted message platforms that can never be traced back to those undercover Feds. Or some more sophisticated version of the MK-ULTRA mind control program could have been used on Crooks.

The Secret Service agents working that day probably weren't aware of the assassination plot at all, except perhaps for a couple of people at the very top. The snipers who apparently had Crooks spotted beforehand but didn't take the shot were probably in contact with their higher-ups, waiting for confirmation that Crooks was indeed a threat and to take him out. I don't think the snipers themselves were in on it, but perhaps their superiors were. If this was an inside job, and there were some deep-state people behind the assassination attempt, it is likely a very small number of people who were careful to not have any of their contact with Crooks able to be traced back to them.

The Gab posts and cell phone pings are not smoking gun evidence in themselves, but add that to the fact that Crooks supposedly had no other social media accounts—and the Twitter files revealed that the FBI and government agencies have control over social media companies—and the FBI and CIA have relentlessly attacked Trump with false accusations (the Russia collusion hoax), two impeachments, the astroturfed "insurrection,” and endless lawfare for 8 years. When all else failed, is it really such a stretch to believe these people would take it to the next level and just try to take "literally Hitler" out?

As dark and disturbing as it may seem, some people within our Federal government likely helped Crooks plan the assassination attempt of President Trump, then wiped as much information about Crooks from the internet as possible, to cover their tracks. I really don't want to live in a world where that is true, where people within our own government would attempt to murder a former and likely future president. But I suppose it is better than a world in which they succeeded.

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