Everything is Fictional


Government is a fictional entity, currencies are fictional, titles are fictional, names are fictional, ownership is fictional, and yes you, or what you like to believe you are, is fictional. Your ego is a creation of your own mind, your identity is your brain attempting to consolidate everything you want to be into a cohesive self portrait while ignoring all the things you don’t like about your nature. We are vessels of lies and suppressions. It’s no wonder we create such a terrible fictional world and govern it with terrible fictional institutions.

Lets rid ourselves of the belief that government and political structures are a fact of life we must accept and conform to. Can we set our imaginations free from the presupposition of government's necessity? Let’s loose ourselves from the limits our history books and education have placed on what’s possible, and dare to create new fiction. Let’s breed new myths that twist open our minds and manifest new tools for viewing reality and ourselves. Let's integrate all the layers and dimensions of who we are, as individuals and as collective organisms, to move forward unencumbered by the shadows of our past fighting to be whole.

We need revolutionary creative ideas and brave souls to pioneer and trial these ideas more than ever. Let’s be done with the political theory and actionless debates. Let’s not waste anymore energy on the marches and protests which are admissions of powerlessness and pleads to a fictional government which we bring to life with our own consent. Anything is possible, nothing is taboo, we need living solutions and it’s time we stop limiting the fictions we share, believe, and manifest.

This song by the 1960s British folk singer, Donovan, was an inspiration for this post and pairs well with the content, consume at your own risk 🤟

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