Big sacrifices that my country made, only to give the power to a bunch of politicians, to stuck their hands in the honey jar.

When it comes to communism, I always talk passionately  and I always become agitated defending a system that even if it's limited in many aspects, it brought more benefits to this country than the currently chaos.  

The communist Romania left behind a country without debts, with a future development capital , but which was managed without entrepreneurship . Talking with people who lived in those times I realize that lack of concerns and  an almost nonexistent competitiveness marked the old generation, that is hardly influenced now. 

 source: wikipedia

A generation that did not need a home because they would receive it from the state, a generation that did not need a job because they received it, a generation that had nothing to think about a business because they could not hold it.  

An economy heavily focused on industrialization was present in Romania during the 89 ' which beacause of the lack of privatization and because of the period of stagnation of almost seven years, until '96, when "we decided" that it is appropriate to sell it almost for free ( Doosan IMGB was sold in 97 for 1$, yeah right- 1 dollar, after some investments have a year revenue of over 90mil euro,  Combinatul Siderurgic Resita sold in 2004 for 1 euro, again after some investment, last year they had a profit of 8.2mil euro) , saving only the industries that could bring an individual profit, while the lack of a strategy to interconnect the industry the same as during communism, led to a massive reduction of jobs . The rest of the industry was cut and sold for scrap.


Communism has managed since 1945 to 1989 to pay the historical 5 billion dollars by 1975, which may seem little but it represents 15 times the GPD. Also, in only 7 years ( 82-89 ) the communism has paid the full value of 2 billions from the IMF, after in 81 it was declared insolvent. More than these, Romania had investments and debts to recover worth approximately of 8 billion $ in cash, which were mostly forgotten. The price was huge and my people suffered starvation .

Now, 27 years after the revolution, making a balance sheet, we have 89 billion in euro as a debt, and from the 8 billion that we were supposed to recover, we can find the trace of only 2 billion.  

Our politicians have stuck deep their hands into this jar of honey and, helped by a less educated population to ask more questions, they still manage to stay in power like a tick that even if you discover, it still holds tight with its teeth on where it is.  

I remember fondly about the long talks with my teacher of religion in Italy who was also passionate about the subject and who told me how Romania was given as an example as a successful communist country. I also remeber the analyzes that we made and the question: what went wrong?   

I remember fondly about the long talks with my teacher of religion in Italy who was also passionate about the subject and who told me how Romania was given as an example as a successful communist country. I also remember the analyzes that we made and the question: what went wrong?   

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