Brennan's Clearance Revoked


Trump has revoked the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan. Trump said Brennan was complicit in creating a divided and chaotic environment within the agency.

Brennan has been hyper critical of the Trump administration. He has called for Trump's impeachment most recently regarding the Helsinki summit. He joined NBC News as a senior national security and intelligence analyst and he has used this platform to voice his derision for the President. He has also been highly vocal on social media platforms.

John O. Brennan

It’s astounding how often you fail to live up to minimum standards of decency, civility, & probity. Seems like you will never understand what it means to be president, nor what it takes to be a good, decent, & honest person. So disheartening, so dangerous for our Nation.

According to the White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, the Trump administration is also looking into revoking the clearances of several former government officials to include former FBI director Comey and FBI agent Strzok.

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