To Kill Mockingbird - Open Letter to President (?) Donald J. Trump

Dear President Trump,

I am a truther, Sir. I stopped voting long ago. I did not vote for you in 2016 and regret missing my opportunity there. Once I saw you combatting Mockingbird media I knew you were truly an outsider. I was unable to vote for you in 2020 and that was intel media related as well. My assertion remains that the election fraud of 2020 will be exposed and you will take place in history as the greatest American President.

I do not claim to know how American election fraud is to be revealed but I do know that together we are invincible. I know that God wins and sense that same confidence in everything I have seen and heard from you since you took office. For years I have heard you say "Fake News is the enemy of the People." As one of those People, Sir, I took that as instruction. For years now I have probed various media to assess their level of complicity and to offer resources to any good journalists caught up in a corrupt and compartmentalized system.

These efforts have upset hornet nests. They have also led myself and my group of regular guy and girl truthers to a couple truths that we see as the most suppressed information of the Q Anon movement and the unfolding Great Awakening. There remains a massive intel media effort to protect the very apparatus that the Q Anon operation has promised to dismantle.

President Trump, we know that you are not 'Q+" of the Q Anon military intelligence operation. We know that playing your role in the greatest military intelligence operation of all time has kept you heroically consumed with the role of United States President in a manner the entire citizenry of the globe needs. Intel media of all flavors and platforms attack the identity of the entity responsible for the Q intel drops of the past three years. Mainstream Mockingbird promotes Ron Watkins as Q while Pharisee Mockingbird aggressively enforces a narrative that you have already dispelled yourself.

The Quantum Internet is actively impacting Americans in today's time. I believe you already know this of course but do suspect it may be the first time somebody has brought that to your attention publicly. I do so today on a blockchain platform I have been coached to utilize in my role. I do so with a little haste as well as my lawful efforts to combat intel media are accelerating.

I do not have to tell an iconic salesman that our political movement has branding issues. While taking my own slings and arrows, I have promised many of those attacking a glorious unity in the end. The enemy of the People continues to obstruct that goal by suppressing the truths that will deliver that unity.

United States citizen Austin Steinbart has been assailed by the same corrupt state, intel, media, and judiciary structures as yourself, General Flynn, Julian Assange, and so many other agents of truth. Austin Steinbart was ordered by the Defense Intelligence Agency to come public as the man responsible for the Q intel drops and to disclose the Quantum Internet technology that is being implemented to facilitate this entire operation. He has also been required to do this on a non-profit basis relying on the volunteer efforts and talents of his most ardent supporters. He also, Sir, has many assets deployed against his efforts that will stop at nothing from seeing him succeed in these disclosures. I have eye witnessed multiple impacts of the Quantum Internet on friends. These impacts have been of both positive and negative consequence.

We do know that we win, Sir. I also know that the fake news is an unvanquished and still underestimated enemy in this spiritual war. The sovereignty of our own consciousness is at stake with this technology, as I presume you know.

As an American citizen I write to you to seek your help demanding this important disclosure.

As a Christian, I pray that your experiences with the submission have been as fulfilling as mine and many others I know.

As an activist truther who volunteered to be media in an effort to complete my 'fake news' assignment, I respectfully invite you to discuss this further as part of an upcoming Steinbart Media Group production.

God bless you.

With patriotic love and the utmost respect,


Respect and admiration for all who serve honorably.

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