An age of Medusa: the syndrom of overprotective mother enters politics

I've recently noticed this conundrum: religion is being simultaneously suppressed and protected.

  • Religion is removed from the public discourse. Only rational claims are allowed in decision making.
  • Religious people are protected from any judgement. No value system applies to them.

And today this thought has occurred to me: religion is treated like a child.

Something that is too stupid to be listened to in any serious manner and too weak be left alone, so it needs to be protected.

And not only religion is treated this way. Also immigrants, young people at universities, sexual minorities, etc.

The 20th century was an age of man's pathology: father turning into an oppressive tyrant.

The 21st century will be an age of woman's pathology: mother turning into an overprotective monster.

Such monster has just one aim: to make sure her children are always dependent on her and never leave. It will always trade freedom for security. And it will divide the world into defenseless victims and predators.

This is what mothers do and it's perfectly fine when it's within limits and aimed at their own children.

But it turns into pathology when it spreads outside.
And it turns into a disaster when it enters the public domain.

image source: Medusa by Caravaggio (

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