End Game

This is how I can possibly see things playing out in the very near future...

I think we have FINALLY arrived at END GAME scenario for the Deep State Swamp. It seems they are all out of options at this point, as more and more people awaken to the false reality of the China Virus and Lockdowns. It is only working towards ppl conducting research on their own where they are figuring out that this Plandemic is nothing more than a worse strain of the Flu, if that. As more people awaken, they traverse various rabbit holes that show them things like 94% co-morbidity and a 99% survival rate.

This leads them to ask more questions-socratic method. They allow themselves to "free their mind" from the shackles of the MSM and they begin to realize that they've been lied to not just about he China Virus, but other things related to lockdowns and maybe even ritualistic things like masks and social distancing. Judging From a certain letter of the alphabet's msgs from the future (quantum computing), C19 will disappear at some point next week. It makes one wonder what they will pivot to. Since their programming relies heavily on FEAR, I would imagine it has something to do with election fraud.

As a way to combat that and judging from seventeen, they will go for a cyber attack, possibly to work towards shutting down discourse on social media and possibly trying to unplug the net completely. Trump's assertiveness with a fake news reporter yesterday and traveling to Camp David today, would seem to show that 45 and the military are gearing up for what seems to be the final showdown. Social media has worked towards destroying the MSM, making citizen journalists the new norm for actually on the ground reporting. This could not be avoided.

The fraud is everywhere, if you leave the typical programming. Lawsuits from Giuliani, Powell, and Lin Wood further SHOW the actual malfeasance that went on. Make no mistake, this is TREASON, which is punishable by death. Mass arrests have been a much maligned topic of seventeen or CUE and this situation would present the perfect opportunity to literally round up all of the bad guys, give them a choice of flipping on their bosses or leaving this world. How will this play out? I'm not entirely sure. I don't know if it will be one big swoop, but I'd imagine Trump and Co. will carry this out strategically, picking off lower level members across the currently disputed states. Some may flip and others will be executed.

I would think military is already being positioned across the US to quell riots that will ultimately come up through BLM/Antifa. 2A Patriots will be standing ready as well since 80M+ MAGA are pissed off about the election and lockdowns. Proud Boys will probably be out there too. If we are going by deltas, there would be a 3 year delta on 11.3 with the arrest of John "Skippy" Podesta From seventeen drops, the first indictment/unseal will trigger mass population awakening and confirm future direction.

I'd imagine someone of his caliber getting arrested (a HRC crony) would be somewhat jaw dropping, and would show others that they are no longer "Untouchable." That would also serve to act as a placeholder or marker that more EVIL fucks will be arrested moving forward. I guess only time will tell. Through the Looking Glass. WWG1WGA


*Addendum-Sidney Powell has legal credentials to prosecute in military tribunals. From what I've heard she's the only citizen to have this. And she's a film producer. And she's said it will be biblical...


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