Old people should sacrifice themselves for the economy: Say Texas Lt. Governor

If you bother to read Vanity Fair, and honestly, you shouldn't because you will emerge knowing less than when you went in, you are probably familiar with their usual anti-conservative rants that use creative selection of sound bytes in order to vilify anyone that doesn't toe the line the way they would like to see it be done.

This is just the normal order of business over at Vanity Fair and anyone familiar with their reporting style already knows to not really take anything they say seriously. That isn't the real problem though and just like many of these trash media outlets, Vanity Fair is very aware of the fact that people on Facebook are likely not going to even read the article and simply read a headline and assume it is true.


Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy

That's the headline letter-for letter and I want you to take a good look at it. Notice how there are no quotation marks after the colon ( : ) ? That's because Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas, never said these words.

In a conversation with Hannity on Fox (which has their fair share of dumb news as well, don't get me wrong) Dan Patrick was discussing a very important talking point about Covid-19 and that is, are we going to allow this to completely annihilate the global economy.

Dan said that he, as a grandparent considers his grandkids the most important thing in his life and here is exactly what he said

“No one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’” But if they had? “If that is the exchange, I’m all in,”

See how I used quotation marks there? That's because when you use quotation marks, as the name of the punctuation would suggest, you are quoting someone. It is alarming to me that a lot of people who get their news exclusively from FB or IG or something, are completely unaware of this.

Vanity Fair actually did indicate in their article the exact words that Dan Patrick said, but they also threw their "interpretation" (quotation marks can also be used to indicate irony) along with it which would confuse I would guess a great deal of the population.

It should be made known to people that Vanity Fair is a fashion magazine and well, they recently decided to jump into politics because I guess that has something to do with clothes. Their articles are actually very cleverly disguised as actual journalism in the headlines but then if anyone bothers to actually read it and has an IQ higher than room temperature, they will quickly see that this is simply angry, opinionated bullshit.

Also, and this is a bit fun... the words Vanity Fair comes from a 17th century book and was a fictional place that was ruled by a demon. Awesome.

Because they don't do any actual reporting here but instead put words on a headline that the person in question didn't actually say they are being deliberately misleading and this is not journalism. While I realize that almost all publications are doing the same thing, some of our population is actually dumb enough to listen to a makeup and fashion magazine misquote a politician and take that information to heart.


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