The thing I care most about is dispelling the myth that the way things are is the way they ought to be.
I organized the protest of Donald Trump's Economic Policy speech in Detroit in September of 2016. Here I am about to get thrown out by the Secret Service at the speech.
Why do people work 40 hours per week for 30 years?
Why do people accept homelessness?
Why do people tear one another down?
Did we as a species always work?
Did we as a society always lack empathy for our neighbor?
Did we as a culture always compete so ferociously?
Regardless of what you see the answer being, why must we even ask such devastating questions?
Me in the middle with a family I lived with for a while as a kid. Jasyn is on the left and Brandyn is on the right.
I have found myself at the crossroads of microcosms of systems that do not work in most peoples interests, and yet we carry on. I have run a non-profit organization, been a fundraiser for a United States Senator, worked in start-ups and traveled to every continent except Antarctica for extensive amounts of time. I have been able to see an inordinate amount of the way things work, and I'd like to do what I can to expose the flaws in these systems as I've seen them.
Politics, non-profits, start-ups and the inequities of the world. These are the sectors of the economy I've been a part of. As a child I was raised by a single parent who ended up going to jail. I have been on medicaid and unemployment. These experiences have taught me about the faults in government too.
I am here on steemit to practice my pitch to whoever seems interested in hearing about the way things are, the way they can be and the way they ought to be.
O hello there Steemit
Overall, I'd like us to move politically, economically and socially to a place driven by passion not profit. My goal in life is to empower people to recognize their potential. However, most of us can't even recognize, let alone reach, our potential when we're trapped in a florescent lit cubicle.
Looking forward to sharing more with yall!