My personal fight against the corrupt system. Never give up.

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In 2017 I opened a YouTube account and I started speaking up about a crime which had taken place against me, aided by police. The crime was rape. I was followed home and the unknown perpetrator forced his way into my home where he raped me. This happened in 2012 and it happened a week before I was due to go into hospital to have brain surgery after I was found to have a brain tumour.

How did the police aid this rape? Well, as I walked home the perpetrator started grabbing me and assaulting me. I screamed at him to leave me alone. But he wouldn’t. Then I saw a police car drive by. They slowed down as they saw me scream. However, they did not get out of the car and arrest the man assaulting me. Instead they drove off quickly pretending they had not seen anything.

Why would police do such a thing? Because I am white, the perpetrator was what British people call Asian (Pakistani or Indian) and we live in an extreme Marxist society. My white privilege according to such radicals, means I deserved to be raped. It was in effect, reparations for something that may or may not have happened to their ancestors by someone who may or may not have had my skin colour. And because this may or may not have happened to their ancestors, I deserve it too.

Police have been trained on ‘cultural sensitivity’ and therefore must be understanding presumably, of rape cultures that presumably come from Asian countries. And Asians it seems based on their silence, are not insulted by this presumption the police are trained to have. Maybe those who are offended by this rape culture presumption are being censored, or perhaps, as the mass grooming gangs problem in UK suggests, there really is a rape culture in that group.

It took me years to gain confidence to report the crime to the police. Mainly because they had deliberately enabled a crime already taking place in front of their eyes into an even more serious crime. And when I did report the crime, I was told I could get compensation from the Criminal Injuries Scheme. So I decided I would try to get that compensation award.

I called around various solicitors who specialised in CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) awards, and all of them told me they would not represent me as it was unlikely I would win. There is a timeline that victims must report a crime within. If they report the crime later then they will not receive the award. This time frame was 2 and a half years. I reported mine after 3 years.

So why don’t solicitors just represent us anyway and risk losing? Well, CICA claims for compensation were removed from receiving legal aid. They are now no-win-no-fee claims. So if a solicitor believes they won’t win and profit from the crime against you, they won’t represent you. This is completely opposite to the criminals themselves who DO receive legal aid and get free representation.

So I decided I would still try to claim compensation, and I would fight my own rape case. This year, 2022, that legal battle came to an end. I won my case, I set precedent, I gained a law degree and I was awarded pittance. Along the way, I did immense amounts of research that uncovered the UN Agenda 2030, the UN Migrant Pact, the role of Barrack Obama in building a rape culture of men within the third world who would be deliberately let into the West and so much more.

I told about every detail of these in my court case, and now I will be bringing it to you, in a blog, and if I gain confidence a vlog. I did start a vlog on my YouTube channel called ‘Social3state’ if you would like to see what I had to say back in 2017. Here is the link to my channel. However, my channel was and still is heavily censored by YouTube but also reference to it on Twitter is censored too.

I want my information uploaded to the blockchain. I hate censorship. You won’t censor me! Welcome to my blog.


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