Hello dear Steemians...
Today I only want to rant over a ridiculious thing in my own country, so if you don't want to spoil your day, feel free to skip this article of mine.
I don't live in Indonesia so all the picture here are taken from a social media platform, since it's already going viral for a while and even captioned in a newspaper, so it's not even clear who made the original pictures and have the copy right.
I'm sorry for this, however I still think that this issue is rather alarming and need to be discussed about.
Especially since most of the complains I read online is only the fact that it's disturbing the pedestrian to walk, which is also true, however there are some more terrible side effects that are need to be recognised.
And the saddest thing to me is that most of people in Indonesia are just too ignorant of that, and that's extremely disturbing me.
What am I actually talking about?
Well... Today many social medias have been in uproar about how DKI Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia) government has planted artificial trees along the sidewalk of the main street. What a clever idea, isn't it? Cutting the real trees to plant the artificial ones... SUPER!source: twitter
Not only that the sidewalk itself is not wide enough to give a comfort zone to walk for pedestrians - so that this stupid plastic trees just taken away those little spot to walk -,
but it means that the Government itself creates plenty of plastic waste which takes hundreds up to a thousand year to decompose, instead of educating their people by making example to be more friendly towards the environment.
If they really think that beautiful plant decorations really necessary despite the small sidewalk, why don't they choose the real plants instead?
There is an excuse that they were planted to celebrate the anniversary of the capital, but hello...
since when are artificial plants more beautiful than the real one?
What a twisted logic, unbelievable.
Yes, those fake plants are basically a tree of lamp, has a beautiful lighting effect... but well, is it impossible to put some decorative lamps too on the real trees? There are even plenty of choice of such LED decorative lamps in the market, aren't there? It seems to me that they are only too lazy to take care of real plants, plastic plants don't need watering, pruning nor sweeping when the leaves are falling.
But they forgot the fact that only real trees could absorb water and produce oxygen, giving us healthier and fresher air. And the chosen Mayor was once a principal of a prestigious University, what an embarassment.The people prefer to have a Mayor with this quality... then they could just keep dreaming to have a beutiful, healthy and comfortable Jakarta without flood and traffic jam.
At the moment those fake trees have already been taken off again from the sidewalk. They were taken away only a day and in some other streets were only 3 days after they had been "planted".
The governor just couldn't stand the mockery of netizens, especially by those who were annoyed while using the sidewalk.
There was a leaked budget draft contract between supplier and the government released in the media which stated that all those trash cost 8,1 billion Rupiah (nearly 600.000 USD). Whether those are real expense or a part of it was corrupted, no body knows. The point is, those are wasted!!!
Bahasa Indonesia
Lama saya ngga bikin status di sosmed tentang politik karena ngga punya waktu buat debat sama kumpulan orang ignoran di negeriku tercinta itu.
Kali ini saya tapi nggak tahan untuk nggak nulis deh.
Gara-garanya kebangeten banget sih, nyolok banget gitu O'on-nya.
Tadi pagi saya liat berita heboh di media baik sosmed maupun koran online, bahwa di beberapa jalan protokol Jakarta yang trotoarnya aja sebagian besar masih terlalu sempit itu "ditanamin" pohon.
Masih mending kalau itu taneman asli... lha ini pohon PLASTIK booo!
Pada prinsipnya "ditanamin" SAMPAH yang butuh ratusan bahkan sampe seribu tahun untuk bisa terurai!!!
Kayak gini gubernurnya kok ya ngga malu ya jadi mantan rektor Universitas bergengsi.
Bukannya ngajarin rakyatnya ngasih contoh untuk ramah lingkungan, malah ngajarin menciptakan sampah yang susah diuraikan.
Tanaman yang asli yang bisa memproduksi oksigen bikin sejuk, malah ditebangin... diganti sama tanaman plastik alamaak. Kaya gini masih minta Jakarta nggak banjir, ngga panas?!? Ayoh, yang dulu nyoblos ada yang nyesel nggak sih? Terutama yg bilangnya orang pinter berpendidikan tinggi ya, terutama yang katanya dah melihat dunia luar Endonesah gitu...Kalau yg goblok apalagi bukan orang sekolahan sih memang harap maklum... Penasaran bener nih ane...
Tapi mungkin sih nggak nyesel ya... kan mereka ngeklaimnya udah punya kunci surga, dah booking tempat disana gitu deh. :-DOh ya, ngelesnya sih buat nyambut ultah Jakarta... biar cantik gitu katanya.
Tapi sejak kapan ya, tanaman plastik itu lebih cantik daripada yang asli? Bilang aja lah malas nyiram, malas mupuk, malas nyapu daun, malas merapikan ranting yang terlalu gondrong, gitu aja deh... atau memang cuma butuh alesan buat korupsi... siapa tahu hehehe!Kalau cuma butuh lampu dekorasi kalau malem biar kinclog... emangnya pohon asli ngga bisa ya, di dekor sama lampu disko?
Bukannya ada banyak lampu dekorasi, LED pula, cantik-cantik. Kan tinggal pasang aja di pohon asli apa susahnya? Saat ini sih tanaman-tanaman palsu itu udah dicabut lagi... nggak tahan bully-an netizen soalnya.
Jadi duit 8,1 milyar rupiah cuma buat nampang sehari doang... sekarang jadi SAMPAH! Tapi mungkin sih ngga papa bagi yang "ngurusin" kali ya, yang penting kan "Dana udah turun", biar cuma berumur sehari pajangannya ya bodo amat dah :-DWell... sekian omelan dari saya.
Anak saya bangun minta perhatian. :-D
Sampai jumpa.