Poetry - A Song of the Bride of Death

Hello everyone! Though this poem was made long ago, I feel that its in-theme with @terrycraft's Steemit Poetry Contest #15 that plays with ideas about "Night", and should be shared too. My official entry for the said contest is here. Read on and I hope you enjoy this one and everyone's poems in the contest as well! :)

A Song of the Bride of Death

I am the bride of Death
Flooded with the light of day
Covered with the mist of early-morning May
Forever bound to the arms of Death

The Guiding light passes swiftly
Down beneath my sight
Gloriously I await for Thee meekly
Without the aid of Light

That then I wear my dark flowing veil
Diamonds glittered upon my head
The Silvery god bowed down with a hail
Tears of joy, I shed

Then in your arms I slumbered
Peacefully as a child could be
Cool, calm pleasant dreams will be remembered
When I live on the 'morrow, as to be

-by raiserxn 11/20/00

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