At times, reality pokes me in the eyes and compels me to weep out bloods
as tear glands
For humanity has long lost their course and they pretend not to know it yet
They seem entangled but quite separate they are acting always against
Each acts selfishly, without contentment so they victimise on as they see fit
But whilst in my somber mood ruminating this painful realisation just outside my hut
I saw the worlds of βπ¦βπ³βπΉβπΈ as so socially organised as they arranged devising no hurt
They match in millions holding one another in love like a court
Uα΄α΄Ι΄ α΄Κα΄ α΄α΄Ι΄α΄
α΄α΄α΄ α΄κ° α΄α΄α΄Κ α΄
s α΄Κα΄ κ°α΄α΄α΄ α΄κ° α΄ΚΚ
Though the ground was arid, they called the rain to fall
As the rain began pelting I watched with a sterned gaze high
I saw each helping the other up the rock off the deluge filling their homes nigh
Thus, I couldn't but conclude humans out of interest would do otherwise
Ants would help and work together as one
Humankind would work together only for selfish ends; be wise
But would we not pause once at this time and learn from the ants?
To love one another when there is rain and when winter wets
When the road is rough and when the road straights
When there is strait and when there is time to ball and gyrate
βπ«βπ΄βπ·γβπΊβπ΅βπ΄βπ³γβπΉβπβπͺγβπ¨βπ΄βπ³βπ©βπΊβπ¨βπΉγβπ΄βπ«γβπͺβπ¦βπ¨βπγβπ©βπͺβπ΅βπͺβπ³βπ©βπΈγβπΉβπβπͺγβπ«βπ¦βπΉβπͺγβπ΄βπ«γβπ¦βπ±βπ±γβπ¦βπΈγβπ¦βπ·βπ¬βπΊβπͺβπ© - Alexander The Great.