If the scientifically inclined can be imbued with the truth of the incarnation; If everyone can come to the knowledge of Jesus incarnating in human form, then the religious imbroglio of Christ's Lordship will be settled.

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Humanity has lost divinity.
Humanity had lost its supremacy.
The champion had become the defeatist.

The light of man had turned to darkness.
The beautiful horizon was no more.
Oh, it was lamenting that humanity had lost its place in God.
However, God never gave up on man.

He sought for a way to reunite man to Himself.
That He did through the INCARNATION.

The INCARNATION was God manifested in human form through Jesus.
This little baby born in Bethlehem, brought love to man.
This dainty child brought heaven to earth.

He brought the very melodies of heaven to earth;
Melodies that will echo from generation to generation;
Melodies that will reverberate for all eternity:

"OH God, manifested in human flesh"
You were among your created family,
But they never knew you.
You were called the Son of Joseph
But you were more than that
You were called Son of Mary,
But you were more than that.

You did love's deeds in love's way,
But nobody seems to know this.
Your love for humanity brought you down to earth.
You left your throne for the cross.

You chose to die for man to live.
You went to the grave in place of man.
"When you rose, God was vindicated".
Creation had accused the Creator of creating an imperfect world.

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But the INCARNATION of Deity in human fashion, brought redemption to mankind through the shed blood of this human Deity,

Imperfection is taken away; and now, creation is washed in the blood of this incarnated Deity, Jesus Christ.

Thank you for reading.

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