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A call of duty.
A call to service.
A call to quench an imperial ruine.
The voice of a brother nation.
Burning hot in a land, once of peace.

Africa had hope.
Hope to kill the fire of disaster sold to us by the white.
Though clothed in cloak of many colours.
What we saw was a rainbow.
But what he saw were all horrors and a pile of agony in disguise.

A Purposeful Leader.
A Legend of hope.
The light that shone brightest from the northern hemisphere of the Great Black Race.
A vibrant land of strength and courage.

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Oh Africa!
What have you done to this fortress of yours?
Oh sons and daughters of Adam!
What fruit have you eaten this time?
The snake still exists?
Yes! The west do exist.
Who cares in what forms or shapes it appears; As long as it venomous canine is removed deep down from it root.

Oh Africa!
In cold blood, your heros past; Murdered.
The holy intent of your fallen freedom fighters; Hearts and Souls, you Betrayed.

Wives; You turned widows.
Sons; You made Orphans.
Daughters; Molested.
Parents; Rendered Homeless.
Lands; You left in ruins.

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Oh Africa!
How wayward your ways has gone?
Even your sons and daughters; You started selling as slaves.
A 21st century slavery.
Your purest heritages, you sold cheap to the west.
The holy grails, you socked in cold blood of your brethren.

Oh Africa!
Wake up.
Wake up from your slumber.
You have slept away your pride and honour.
Lost in dreams our predators had created for us; an illusion.



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