Poema de amor y pasión (Dodecasílabo)

Buenos días estimados amigos de HIVEBLOG, hoy quiero presentarles un poema de mi puño y letra titulado Eras Tú. Su temática gira en torno a un amor que se alimenta de los recuerdos y a través de ellos revive sus mejores momentos de pasión desenfrenada. Espero que este trabajo sea de su agrado y puedan disfrutarlo.

Good morning dear friends of HIVEBLOG, today I want to present you a poem of my own handwriting titled Eras Tú. Its theme revolves around a love that is fed by memories and through them relives its best moments of unbridled passion. I hope you like this work and can enjoy it.


Traducción del poema

Camouflaged with my best memories You entered my mind, you took my body. Of course! I'm sure! it was you! Your gestures, your mouth, your attitude.

I felt you, I have no doubt.
I know your naked skin very well;
That subtle smell of your belly on fire;
And your eyes of fire, just when you love.

I recognized your voice in every moan;
The flavor of your breasts has not been lost.
When I was most urgent for you,
You flew away, in full frenzy.

I'll wait for you here, come back whenever you want,
With souvenir or panther costume.
Does not matter! I'll know it's you quickly,
Well, your aroma is tattooed in my mind.

Este poema está compuesto por cuatro estrofas. Cada estrofa consta de cuatro versos y cada verso contiene doce sílabas métricas (dodecasílabo).

This poem is made up of four stanzas. Each stanza consists of four lines and each line contains twelve metric syllables (dodecasyllable).

A lo largo del poema, se puede apreciar rimas asonantes y consonantes. El primer verso rima con el segundo y el tercero con el cuarto (AABB). Este patrón rítmico lo podemos apreciar en cada estrofa.

Throughout the poem, assonant and consonant rhymes can be seen. The first verse rhymes with the second and the third with the fourth (AABB). We can see this rhythmic pattern in each stanza.

El poema está presentado en forma de imagen gracias al usó la aplicación Notas de Keep de mi teléfono realme C21-Y.

The poem is presented in image form thanks to using the Keep Notes application on my realme C21-Y phone.
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