What is the picture you see when you close your eyes?

As far as your eyes can see, You will be given.

Dream with seeing eyes, a believing heart and willing and open hands

Build the castles in the air Let the world not infect you with their cynicism and unbelief.

Guard your heart and sight!

You share DNA with a God who created the world out of nothing and with a word.

What is your own; Let there be?

Lay proper foundation underneath those dreams

Study, Start, Serve, but hold the picture.

The vision( what you see) is for an appointed time. It does not lie.

What you see is not a lie! You can become your beliefs

Dare to do the impossible. With God all things are possible.

Write what you see. Do it now. don't dwindle or delay!

Write it in big block letters! It is a witness pointing to what's coming.

It will come right on time. While you wait, expand the dream, tweak and make adjustments

In all you do, make sure you Manifest the dream.

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