Thiking of another side Hustle

It's utterly painful at this point in time to sell any crypto for me. I mean, I'm glad to know that if things are bad, really bad, I have the choice, but at the same time it feels like I'm robbing myself too. I'm killing the chicken before it starts laying eggs so to speak.

not again...

My newest concern/quest, had led me down a rabbit hole I once visited many moons ago, before I ever got into crypto. You see, as it turns out, there's thousands upon thousands of scams out there. Some more creative than others, and some scam you, but not out of money per say, but with something more valuable: your time.

So what to do?

I could begin blogging again, that is certainly an option. There was a time, when not a day went by without me posting on this very blog, and it doesn't seem too far fetched that I could do the same again.

That being said, it feels like I'm going to made some side income from Hive, now, while it's down so much, I'll be selling the bottom and thus extracting value from the environment when it barely has any. Not to say that I could make such a difference to the whole ecosystem, but it's a feeling more than an analysis.

Remote Jobs?

So the obvious choice, that is, what I could do, is get some sort of remote job. As an assistant, get some coding job again (did not enjoy it much, I have to say). Or teach, etc.

It would seem to me that today, after COVID an all, the world would be more ripe for such market to really take off, and in a way it has. But, as life would have, the scams are also reaping the benefits of the current dynamic.

And the guitars?

I sell them, I always have, but it's nothing steady in any sense of the word. That being said, working with my hands is what I enjoy the most these days, and the value of that is something I'm not discarding.

But I'm thinking that if I'm to make a living with any sort of woodworking, I'm going to have to come up with smaller projects, cheap projects that I can sell somewhat easily. Not everyone is willing or can shell out a thousand dollars for a hand built instrument, but almost everyone has a ten dollar bill in a pocket or a purse.

Anyways... I'm ranting here, making sure that I understand myself as I walk down the somewhat confusing path we call life.


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