Scottish Higher: Physics | Prefixes, Units & Scientific Notation

Prefixes and Multipliers:

PrefixNumeric Multiplier
Tera (T)1012
Giga (G)109
Mega (M)106
Kilo (k)103
No Prefix100 (1)
Milli (m)10-3
Micro (µ)10-6
Nano (n)10-9
Pico (p)10-12

Rounding & Sig Figures

  • At the end / Final Answer
  • Keep answer to the same number of significant figures as the question/input (The number in the question with least amount of significant figures/decimal places)

Standard Units (SCOTLAND):

Metres (M)Distance / Length
Metres per Second (MS-1 or M/S)Speed
Mililitres (ml)Volume
Metres Per Second Per Second (MS-2 or M/S/S)Acceleration
Pascals (Pa)Pressure
Newtons (N)Force
Volts (v)Potential Difference / Voltage
Amperes (a)Current
Coulomb (C)Electric Charge
Kilograms (KG)Mass

The above are just a few of the most common examples of units.

Scientific Notation:

Always use scientific notation, Like:
3x108, and not 300'000'000

Note: These are Scottish Education Standards, Apart from the Prefixes so don't assume they are the same for you elsewhere


About CADawg:

CADawg is Brittish, 16 Years old and wants to become a web developer/programmer.
He currently knows 7 Programming Languages: Visual Basic, Python 2, PHP, HTML, (S)CSS, JavaScript and C++
He dreams to start his own web development/programming business and travel around the world, exploring all different cultures. CADawg enjoys writing code, mainly in PHP and Python in his free time, as well as playing games.

Check Out: @mermaidvampire

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