happy holiday with Club Millionaires members in Ifran Morocco

How is it going my dear Steemian friends ?

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I was in the mountains of Ifran Morocco this weekend for skiing with C.M members and of course, I took my camera phone with me. Without my camera phone, I won't even leave the house ! The fun fact is that I took the risk to bring my eqiupment to the slopes and we carried everything in our backbags. Falling hard would mean the camera phone breaks. But taking the risk was worth it! Even freezing was worth it.

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So, If you ever get the chance to go there, please do so! You have over 100 km of slope and a fantastic landscape. Mountains and snow, everywhere! We woke up early in the morning to get to most out of the day and enjoy the snow. As soon as we arrived at the peak of the mountain I saw that we were above some clouds! The view was poorly on this day. Snowstorm, rain and heavy wind made it quite difficult at first. But luckily later the day we view turned to be clear.

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I see the sky , blue sky ! After hours the dark clouds finally dissipated.

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What do you think ? What should Tim's next travel destination be ? Write a comment and let him know !


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