The "Pinocchio effect"

Life is a succession of events like the chain of a bicycle... Even if we don't want to, every day, since the alarm clock goes off, we are confronted, or rather, we have (most of us) the freedom to choose what option to take. We can very well snooze and turn our heads to the other side, snuggling in the generous and comfortable duvets, while "out there" life, sometimes cold and challenging, awaits us. Today I had a decision that at first was not easy, but which became the best decision I made today (sorry for the redundancy).


With the incessant vibrating of my cell phone alarm clock, my mind was pulled out from under the intoxicating sleep my body had fallen into, just a few hours ago. A Saturday full of activities and with a very long final stretch, fatigue took hold in my bones, making the simple task of WAKE UP... a herculean act!

When waking up to the response to the first alarm.... Yes, because I am one of the many/or maybe not that many people who set more than an "alarm clock" to wake up... freedom! If, instead of waking up early, I just woke up half an hour later, I wouldn't be able to choose between going to the pastry shop (where I had arranged another divine breakfast (I know it's just a simple piece of toast with butter), but I think the "magic" is in the company) the car or the bike.

And behold, an "energy" began to appear, and in a jump I put on the appropriate equipment, and there I unlocked my Bompton and got on my way! The fresh morning air entering deep into my lungs had an almost immediate effect, leading me to "beat the record" for the route, even taking into account that I had to leave the saddle, as the steep climb that I face between the colon, it is still an obstacle for my weak legs!

One day I will be able to do the route without having to dismount from the bicycle.

Arriving earlier than my companions for Sunday breakfast, it gave me the opportunity to warm my bones in the winter sun that insisted on penetrating a narrow street. The tile covering of the house, although common, is less and less frequently conserved. I took the opportunity to pick up some simply delicious details of the work, which was once performed by hand.






Looking through the windowpane, a little Pinocchio made me "see" how often we make excuses for ourselves, leading us to think that we will never be able to do a certain task, or exceed a certain threshold.


After this short photo session, my friends finally arrived, which turned out to be a fantastic morning talking about cryptocurrencies, including Hive, and enjoying the "forbidden" pleasures of bread and butter, with a nice long coffee!



And your Sunday, my friends, how was it?


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