Megaliths of Havelte☆ ♡ Part 1 of 4♡☆


Megaliths Havelte


Part 1

Hello steemians.
A couple of days ago me my girlfriend and her daughter went to the forest where we could also find these beautifull ancient megaliths.

I took a view pictures.
To be honest I took hundreds of them.

Fomo-ing like a chipmunk on redbull😎
I really enjoy being outdoors even this time of year when the weather is so freeezing cold.

(Which I do not like a lot.)
I still did some crazy thing to keep this post funny as well as educational and even wih a spiritual message.
For more info you can also go to this dutch website.

Foot of the Mountain.

Above you see a picture of how this location is called it's all in dutch. But for this blog off course I took some extra effort researching. Having said that, off course I'm not the first one to do this. So I found some extra [documentation translated in English](Havelterberg Integrated diversity Hidden hunebed - Provincie Drenthe - Drenthe ...
PDF › pages) about these megaliths. That saves me a little space writing everything and be able to show you some nice pictures I took.

A little more about the history of how these megaliths were created and when

How did the simple farmers that inhabited Drenthe 5500 years ago manage to transport 20 ton boulders to a construction site and pile them up to form burial chambers..? This drawing illustrates a possible way. (thought of in 1857 by King Frederic VII of Denmark)

First of all they selected boulders found in the neighborhood with a flat side. Some of them had to be dug out from the sand first. The stones were placed on wooden rollers or sleds by means of levers. Manpower and oxen did the rest. The possibility has been proven by tests: 30 strong men were able to move these heavy boulders in this way.

The construction began by building a earthen dam. Two rows of standing sidestones (uprights) were placed in pits against the dam, he flat side inwards and secured by cobbles and sand. Both ends were closed by two endstones. Next was the building of an inclining hill of sand. The heavy capstones, the flat side downwards, were dragged to the top of the hill and placed on top of the sidestones. After completion the skeleton of the burial chamber was ready and the sand within could be removed.

The openings between the stones were filled up by smaller boulders and dry masonry of flattened stones. On the south side an entrance was constructed by 2 or 4 passage sidestones and a passage-capstone. The floor of the chamber was paved by small pebbles and grit. Finally the completed chamber was covered by a barrow consisting of sods, sand and cobbles, leaving only the top of the capstones visible. Sometimes the foot of the barrow was strengthened by a oval wreath of smaller boulders (kerbstones).


After the 2nd world war the megaliths got renovated you can read more about that here.
A short passage which I will translate for you...

'Op last van de Duitsers werd het hunebed in de Tweede Wereldoorlog afgebroken ten behoeve van de aanleg van een landingsbaan. De stenen van het hunebed werden begraven in een gat van 7 meter diep (hunebed D54 werd onder een laag zand begraven, zodat het niet kon dienen als herkenningspunt door de geallieerden). Het vliegveld werd in 1944 en 1945 gebombardeerd.Na de oorlog, in 1949, is het hunebed weer herbouwd op de oorspronkelijke plaats. Omdat er bij het onderzoek in 1918 tekeningen waren gemaakt van dit hunebed kon het vrij exact worden gereconstrueerd.'

'On behalf of the Germans the megaliths were torn down during the second world war in regards to them building a landingplatform.
The stones of the megaliths were burried in a hole of 7 metres deep (megalith D54 was covered and burried under big pile of sand, this in the case to make sure It couldn't be used by the allied armies as point of recodnition). The airport was then bombarded in 1944 and then later in 1945. After the war in 1949. The megalith were reconstructed and then returned to there original location. And because of the research done in 1918 where drawings were made of the megaliths it was possible to be reconstructed in the exact natural form.'

~This is a picture from inside the megaliths~
So this is it for Part 1. In the next part. I will take trough this magical,forest with a lot more history and...mistery!

I leave you with this magical crossroad within this forest.

Note: all photos were taken by our own phone: samsung galaxy 6/7. And my old samsung tablet 10.something🙈

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